Darafayen Character in Alcirya | World Anvil


Rockseer​ Night Below​   Darafayen, 11th-level Rockseer Wizard: AC-3 (bracers of defense AC 3, ring of protectioll +3, Dexterity bonus MV 12; hp 38; THACO 17 (14 with quarterstaff +3 #AT 1; Omg 1d6+3 (stone qllarlerstaff +3 SA spells; SO speUs, 90% resistant to sleep, dumll, hold, and web spells, immune to petrification; SW suffer-] saving throw penalties against Elemental Air magic; MR 6O'Yo vs. Elemental Earth magic; SZ M (7' ML champion (16 AL CG; XP 10,000. Str 14, [)ex 17, Con 12,lnt 19, Wis 16, Cha 12. Suggested spells: bumlllg /tands, detcct magic, magic missile, read magic; defect Invisibility, glitterdllst, mirror image, shafter; rlispl'l magic, im,jsibility 10' radills, slaw, t.ongues; Evard's black telltae/es, millor globe of invulnerability, sloru'Skin; colljure elemelllal, hold mOlls/L.." wall of stolle. Special abilities: meld illto stone, slollc walk (with 3 "passengers"), stolle shape, stone fell, bonus speUs (Mel/'s acid arrow. Maximilian's st07lY grasp·). Darafayen owns a wand of secret door detectioll with 38 charges and a lavender and green ;01/" StOIlC which can absorb a further 31 levels of spell attacks of 1sl- through 8th-level cast against her. Darafayen is 237 years old and has a reputation for being a brilliant but unusually boisterous and self-willed young wizard. She is prone to wandering off alone into the underdark, a habit sorely frowned upon by her elders, but her odd behavior is tolerated since she often returns with fine gems and accounts of the movements of other creatuR'S. Nonetheless, Aljaycra is clearly not enamored of this wilful young elf and often makes cutting rejoinders to her more enthusiastic suggestions and comments. Highly unusually, Darafayen is curious. She is especially intrigued by the tales of surface elves and wishes 1"0 find out all she can about them, or possibly even meet one.


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