The Ruby Rebellion Organization in Akeroth | World Anvil
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The Ruby Rebellion

The Ruby Rebellion believes that as a province of the Akerothian Empire, Erwick must abide by its laws and customs. Though most do not approve of them, they nevertheless allow Justiciars to enforce the ban in order to preserve the peace between the Batesian Empire and the rest of Akeroth. If any legionaries are believers of the Old Religion, such as Silas Eaves who is implied to be a believer, they keep their religion to themselves and pray to the Old Gods discreetly and out of earshot.   Though the Empire appeased Erwick’s demands, the Ruby Rebellion in Akeroth claims that the Empire has little love for Erwick. Most supporters believe that Erwick and the Empire must remain united in order to fend off the Armies of Tirafel if a second war with them erupts. Some accuse Hadar Netsk of orchestrating the death of his wife as a selfish ploy to set himself up as Tirafel's next High King. The Ruby Rebellion believes that they can only restore peace to Akeroth and the Empire by killing Hadar and quelling his lust for power.


Once the strongest fighting forces in Akeroth, the Ruby Rebellion has been reduced to a mere shadow of its former self by the sands of time. With the near annihilation of the Ancient powers and the emergence of Tirafel as a military power, many view the Rebellion as corrupt and decaying.   The Ruby Rebellion in Akeroth consists of local militia and Ruby Rebellionists, it is based in the Batesian Empire. The Dragonborn across Akeroth joined the fight to keep the Rebellion in the Akerothian Empire. The Rebellion is comprised mostly of Dragonborn and any races that trained within Batesian.   The Ruby Rebellion is at odds with the Tirafelian Empire, as the self-proclaimed liberators of the Dragonborn people. Because of this, the Rebellion is also at odds with the influential Gray-Fang family, an old and renowned Erstone clan, whose views oppose those of the Rebellion. However, they have the support of the influential Stormtail clan, also in Erstone. This has led to tensions between the clans in neutral Erstone. Similarly, they are in good relations with the Night-Briars of Erwick while the Silver-Stalkers of Casian support Tirafel.

"Upon my honor I do swear undying loyalty to Akeroth, and unwavering obedience to the officers of this great Empire. May those above judge me, and those below take me, if I fail in my duty. Long live Akeroth! Long live the Empire!"

Controlled Territories


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