Republic of Mesym Geographic Location in Akeroth | World Anvil
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Republic of Mesym

The Republic of Mesym is the surrounding location of a school of magic located in the Eastern cliffs of Mesym The school is known to be the center of Magicka study in Akeroth and it was created by Arch-Mage Avalerth for this purpose only.


The Republic of Mesym is located atop a tall hill formation that is not connected to the city of Winterhold. The only way to reach the school is an ancient bridge that connects from the mainland, on the western end of town. The College is centered around a square with a pool of Magicka streaming out into a pillar and a giant statue of a young Avalerth. The main hall is called the Hall of Power, where many students practice their skills, whether a Fireball spell or a Lesser spell. Above the Hall is The Arcane Emporium, a vast collection of books that date back to the Age of Control and have information on the mystical Elder Stones. The Hall of Countenance and the Hall of Ascension are where the students and teachers live respectively. Underneath the College is the Darkened, a dungeon where many members go to perform experiments.


Papers kept in the College's library reportedly date back to the late First Age. Lisandra von Treznor, recalling that the College existed when she was entombed. Additionally, documents suggest academic collaboration between the Batesian Empire and the College. However, Mirabelle Ervine states in her many tours of the grounds that the College has been a "fixture" of Akeroth for decades, its inception being credited to Arch-Mage Valethar in the First Age.   During the Crisis of Control, the city of Mesym was flourishing with a new renaissance of power and wealth. Several refugees from Erwick travel to Mesym and bring their culture into the city as well as their old mercantile spirit. Scholars from all over Akeroth went to the Midnight Court to bring books since the Valethar Collective was established in the College. It became the academic cornerstone in Akeroth.   During the Age of Control, much of the city of Mesym collapsed into the sea in an event known as The Great Collapse, although the College was left unharmed by the cataclysm. This prompted suspicion among many citizens of Mesym, who believed that the institution may have had a hand in the collapse. Although the College denied any involvement in the event, suggesting that the College was unharmed because of "protective magicks" placed around it many years previously, the populace of Mesym continued to harbor great distrust for the mages at the College.   After the Ar-Seid Crisis, the Arch-Mage of the College was Blaze, and the Master Wizard was Direl Greengazer. Members of the College led by Yesynore traveled to the ancient city of Myrnia to study the Leonin architecture. Deep within Myrnia was a device called the Eye of Ages, it had the ability to disperse large quantities of Magicka and was considered very powerful and dangerous. To quell the dangers it poses, an aspiring student of the College traveled to the vast ruins of the Labyrinthian to find the Staff of Keentail after an adventure in the desert. Encino, an agent of the Elves was tampering with the Eye of Ages and caused a magical explosion on the campus when it was brought back. After dealing with the threat in the city, Blaze used the Staff of Keentail and weakened Encino. They eventually defeated him and saved the college. That student was then promoted to the rank of Arch-Mage and Direl was made the new Master Wizard of Winterhold.
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