Willow Faerûn Character in Aither | World Anvil
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Willow Faerûn

The Blade of Elysium, The Storm Bringer

A rare sight in Strobenheim, The City of the Stone Kings, and an even rarer sight in The Arms of Elysium, Willow Faerûn is one of the few wood elves, and his unique presence in the militia's ranks is aided by him being the champion of the Arms, being granted the title of the Blade of Elysium. Because of this, he is also one of The Heirs of the Storm, wielding the Storm Bringer. Willow is new to this role, only inheriting it recently, after the resignation of the previous Blade of Elysium, which came under strange circumstances, and, despite being a part of the Arms of Elysium for longer than nearly all of his colleges, he hasn't quite been accepted fully as the new champion.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Willow has always had a unique perspective as an elf. He always assumed that his family came from the city of Valenrouse, given its elven population, but he never really knew his parents. As far as he could remember, he lived on the streets with his younger brother, Aspen, doing his best to keep the both of them fed and warm. This led to partaking in minor crimes, such as petty thievery of food and the like, but eventually evolved to aggravated assault and muggings to get the money to pay for food.   The brothers were not as careful as they could be in their crimes; however, given the lack of guards, as soldiers were constantly being sent of to war. Willow was always the better warrior of the two, due to being older and stronger, so when the duo mugged an informant of The Azure Owls and an assassin was sent their way in response, he was able to fight them off. He was not able to do this before the assassin was able to poison Aspen. Unable to do anything to save his brother, he was forced to give him a painless death instead.   Struggling to come to terms with the death of his brother, Willow went to the local apothecary, learning the art of alchemy so that he could heal others, hoping that they would not suffer the same fate his brother did. Eventually, he was found by the The Arms of Elysium, seeing him as being both able bodied and a decent healer. Joining the militia, Willow became one of their best clerics, being a kind, warm soul that many of the younger members looked up to, with Kite Zora being an example of this.   Through his dedication, he was given the title of The Blade of Elysium, becoming the champion of the Arms of Elysium after the prior Blade retired. He became a commander under The Demon Knight, and was sent of to war to face the yuan-ti of Oshal. During one of his first battles, he partook in the failed siege of Ad-Durat, which caused him to go missing, as he was not one of the warriors that was saved by the elven knights of The Ithryl Woods and Ellhesari.


Kite Zora

Friend (younger sister figure) (Vital)

Towards Willow Faerûn



Willow Faerûn

Friend (older sister figure) (Vital)

Towards Kite Zora




Date of Birth
27th of Coremin
Year of Birth
364 ADE 118 Years old
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization

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