Wastes of Vesrad Organization in Ailia (placeholder name) | World Anvil
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Wastes of Vesrad

Formerly a mixed race kingdom, home to the most powerful mages the world had ever seen. However, they started messing with strange, dark magical forces and eventually attacked the other kingdoms, who defeated them only after a huge magical accident wiped out practically all of Vesrad’s armies. Since then, Vesrad has been a burned wasteland where vegetation refuses to grow and the sky always appears slightly darker than it should be. There are widespread rumors that the land itself was corrupted by whatever those mages were meddling with, and few people dare go there anymore. No one knows exactly what happened to cause Vesrad’s downfall, and despite the fact generations have passed since then with no signs of anything similar or even remotely related happening, there are still a few who remain concerned that whatever dark forces destroyed Vesrad could one day return.
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Controlled Territories


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