Velisian Empire Organization in Ailia (placeholder name) | World Anvil
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Velisian Empire

Also known simply as Velis. Mostly populated by Humans, but all races live there. Currently ruled by Empress Raelle de Vienne, and generally thought of as the most influential kingdom. They have no single main trade; there are a lot of different types of resources available throughout the kingdom. Good trade relations with Dromakor and Dorwine, chilly with Elaedia, back & forth with Astotha & Chonia. At the moment, relations with Astotha are fairly neutral but relations with Chonia are downright hostile. There had been an arranged marriage between the then heirs-to-the-throne of the two countries, but those plans fell apart when Prince Atian of Chonia decided he didn’t like Velis’s Empress-to-be. Since then they’ve been at odds over just about everything.   There are plenty of mages of all kinds throughout Velis, but the mere mention of “dark magic”, which is to say basically any magic that isn’t what typical mages are familiar with, is taboo. (Some people also count undead-creating necromancy.) Anyone who is caught practicing dark magic is imprisoned in an azkaban-like complex on Axehead Island, located off the tip of the southern peninsula.     The reason for this dark-magic-paranoia stems from the long-past but well-remembered history of how Vesrad, which had been the most powerful kingdom for centuries, brought about their own demise by going too far with their pursuit of strange, unusual magical forces. Vesrad’s top mages ended up becoming corrupted by the mysterious forces they were messing with and eventually began attacking and conquering their neighbors. The other kingdoms at the time barely had the power to oppose Vesrad and it seemed in the long run all efforts to stop them were doomed to fail. But then, at one point, something or someone(s) in Vesrad had some kind of accident that caused a massive magic-induced catastrophe that destroyed the entirety of Vesrad’s lands and rendered them practically uninhabitable, even to this day.   None of Vesrad’s mages have been seen or heard from since, though no one can say for certain what exactly happened to them. Many people in Velis, especially the royal family, are extremely wary of the possibility they could accidentally end up following Vesrad’s path to oblivion and are determined to avoid it at all costs.
Geopolitical, Empire
Head of State
Government System
Monarchy, Constitutional
Controlled Territories

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