Raelle de Vienne Character in Ailia (placeholder name) | World Anvil
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Raelle de Vienne

The current Empress of Velis. She has some rather serious, but not entirely unfounded, trust issues. She is mildly obsessed with making sure Velis is safe from any potential threats that could arise, which includes finding new kinds of magic/technology that can give them an edge over any enemies they might encounter. She was very pleased when one day a disgruntled artificer from Astotha showed up hoping to find someone willing to help her make new interesting, powerful magic-tech devices.   Details on her family & history to come, it's rather complicated and overly dramatic... xP

The Empress of Velis. Slightly shorter than average, with long, wavy brown hair and hazel eyes. She usually has a very serious expression and demeanor, and prefers to be direct and to-the-point in conversation rather than exchanging pleasantries the way most nobles tend to.

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Year of Birth
2461 40 Years old
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