Pirate Principalities Organization in Aiaos | World Anvil
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Pirate Principalities

The rugged coast of Suto to the south of the Scaled Kingdoms is home to communities of unfortunate refugees and outlaws under the dominion of the Pirate Princes. Sheltered by treacherous currents, and rocky bluffs to shoreward, the wetlands are home to a multitude of port cities. Originally built on plunder and fear, the Principalities remain at once lawless and subject to the absolute rule of their princes, but expansion into the fertile terraces behind the bluffs provided the agricultural and mercantile base to convert from an outlaw economy to more established feudal states. A broad mix of arrivals to the shore has brought a rich and varied culture to the region, which fuses the traditions of many different nations.   Power in the region remains focused on the coastal cities and their ruling princes. The terraces are controlled by governors, who uphold the princes' authority while seeking to increase their own power and influence.   There is a substantial population of water Genasi in the Principalities, who do not have the aversion to piracy prevalent in their kin in Caino. Otherwise, the bulk of the populace are Humans and Lizardfolk whose ancestors fled the Ophionic Empire and either became or fell victim to the original pirate lords of the coast.
Alliance, Generic


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