Loxodon Gods Myth in Aiaos | World Anvil
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Loxodon Gods

The Dust Gods

The creator gods of the Loxodon were birthed together from the The Firmament as twins. One was named Earthshaper, and raised up great mounds of clay, and the other, Earthshaker, broke away the excess clay to create the forms of the first loxodon. Their creations bore their conflicting legacies, being creatures both of creation and destruction. They would build, but inevitably destroy that which they created, either in the endless conflicts that they found with each other and those around them, or simply in anger or frustration at some perceived flaw in the work itself.   

The Loxodon Code

The loxodon of Caino were led out of this conflict by a group of four gods - or divine ancestors, there is some debate as to whether these gods were divine in their origins, or were mortals who attained divine status - known as the Tetrad, who gave them the rules of behaviour and philosophy know as the Loxodon Code and broke the cycle of creation and destruction which prevented the loxodon progressing as a culture.
  • The Silent One was the first of the Tetrad and parent of the other three. The Silent One is the god of patience and harmony, also known as the Fixed Point, who represents the cooperation and coordination which brought the herds together as something more than feuding bands.
  • The Mighty One is the eldest child of the Silent One, the god of power and all its exercise.
  • The Vigilant One is the second child of the Silent One, the god of wisdom and learning.
  • The Stalwart One is the youngest child of the Silent One, the god of courage and life.
  The Code formalised relations between herds and allowed for the creation of larger, lasting social structures, as well as prescribing a form of personal development intended to direct and focus the aggressive part of their nature towards constructive ends. The loxodon of the Code remain aware of their great power and capacity for harm, and cultivate mindful calm to avoid harming innocents.  

Breakers and Makers

The loxodon of Moraea long revered the creator gods alone, finding a cultural division between makers and breakers, only able to create something lasting in alliance with other races who could temper their self-destructive tendency. After the destruction of their home plains after the fall of Eurosia, however, the loxodon felt lost and worship of the creators waned, to be replaced in prominence by the cults of a group of culture gods known collectively as the Makers and Breakers.  
  • Kingmaker - god of social order, law and justice.
  • Silencer - god of secrets and forgetfulness.
  • Peacetalker - god of diplomacy and deceit.
  • Sleeper - god of death and dreams.
  • Hearthbuilder - god of art and artisans.
  • Thronebreaker - god of revolution, change and growth.
  • Lorekeeper - god of knowledge and learning.
  • Warbringer - god of battle and war.
  • Fleshcutter - god of medicine and birth.
  • Stoneburner - god of destruction and loss.


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