Academy of Blades Organization in Aiaos | World Anvil
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Academy of Blades

The Academy of Blades was originally founded to study and contain the relicts of the Honer of Blades' power and trammels under the auspices of the Shrine of the Ancestors in the High Fort of Blades' Breaking. Over time, it grew and diversified, until the historical studies group outgrew the available space and established the Library Tower in the Common Ward of the city, taking the less sensitive parts of the library and the name of the Academy with them. They were soon joined by the officer corps of the Army of the Ragged Coast, and the laboratory building and barracks were built close to the library.   Over time, as the library's collection began to overflow into the scholars' residences, and the number of scholars and students grew, the academic side added a hall of residence, while the growing Army built a mess hall and turned the old mess into more barracks space. Next, lecture theatres were added, and finally the arsenal, a secure building for combined military and academic research. At this time, the campus wall was built, surrounding the buildings, the drill ground and the open space known as the quad, and the two parts of the academy became known as the Librarium and the Arsenal.   In addition to the campus, there are cadet barracks at the Low Fort, Old Wall and Watchtower, academic and student accommodation throughout the city, and the naval school has a barracks and berths for three training vessels - two patrol sloops and one frigate, all older vessels no longer in active service - on the docks.
Educational, University


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