Venellorix Character in Agrophon | World Anvil
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This talkative citizen of Dullar hasn't declared a profession but always seems to be involved with the village and its people. She's Tessiture's daughter, though she'd prefer to build her reputation from the ground up, which is difficult as a bronze dragon who towers over her coworkers.  
"Ven would describe herself as...unfocused, naive, not very successful, so on and so forth. Don't you believe her. The worst thing about her is how she talks about herself, so if you can, don't just let it pass. I've been friends with Ven for most of this life--she saved me, honestly--so when she gets mean about her performance, I can't help but feel pretty insulted myself."
  Venellorix marched into adulthood on an optimistic platform of kindness and second chances, and quickly retreated. She mostly works within Dullar, still looking for a way to make her mark without giving up her ideals, but she's already quite accomplished. She built a lot of the structures in Dullar, physical and otherwise. She oversees projects all over the villages and keeps them on track, a valuable skill, since surprisingly many in Dullar don't play well with others. Venellorix is great at managing difficult people--she sweetly told her brother Balmarix not to read into it too much.   To her detriment, Venellorix is best known for her habit of undermining herself. Her accomplishments are difficult to measure, so she gives them little to no credit while rushing to bring up her failures. Balmarix tried to outsmart the problem and identify the root issue under the simpler grievances. It wasn't Ven's fault that his words didn't translate, and fortunately Balor realized that as well.
Current Location
Year of Birth
702 30 Years old

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