Sesquippey de Qubits Character in Agrophon | World Anvil
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Sesquippey de Qubits

The god of empirical perspective, fractals, writers, lucid dreams, crows, statistics, and the memories of individuals (as opposed to community or cultural memory).  

Folding information

He can produce knowledge from places which should be too small to contain it. He speaks an impossible language where the number 511 can be recorded in only 6 bits of entropy. For some, this power betrays his identity as a "real deal god:" not an uplifted mortal, but a symbol of something much bigger than our mundane universe. Others consider him a convincing trickster-deity, but not much more.   As the god of writers, he's fond of information with double meanings, lush with context and subtlety. Careful writers can produce such a dense, fractalous text that it approximates Sesquippey's illogical power.  

Always lucid

While another person's conscience would be resting, Sesquippey can stay awake and thoughtful even during a dream. He can share this opportunity with some mortals, waking them up without quite waking them up. He's been known to interrupt people's dreams and pull them into another room when he has something to say.

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