Hew Character in Agrophon | World Anvil
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The goddess of the sun and other mysterious elements of the stars. Agrophon's understanding of how the sun works has changed many times over the years, so Hew has accrued lots of different qualities. She's powerful and temperamental, and has a talent for getting constructive results from destructive magic. In the past she's used controlled burning to prevent larger forest fires, and answers the prayers of engineers and blacksmiths with extreme bursts of heat and energy.   Hew tends to operate between sunrise and sunset. When the sun disappears over the horizon, Hew hands it off to the next continent over, which usually has its own solar deity. The passing-around of the sun allows Hew to meet other gods from around the world, and her perspective is unusual in the isolated continent of Agrophon. At night, augurs might invoke Hew to ask how the rest of the world is doing.

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