Mind Flayers Species in Agere | World Anvil
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Mind Flayers

Mind Flayers, also known as Illithids, are alien beings of unknown origin. Believed to be from another dimension, or distant space, these beings are extremely intelligent, and feed of the minds of intelligent beings. With tentacle-like appendages on their faces, they are feared by both common folk and seasoned adventures.

Basic Information


Illithids typically have the same number of limbs that the creature they infested had, such as a human having four. However, they sprout tentacle like appendages on their faces that vary in numbers. They use these limbs to securely hold a head to their mouth as they devour their victim's brain.

Genetics and Reproduction

Illithids are all sexless, without male or female biological sex, and once or twice in their life they would lay a clutch of eggs from which tadpoles hatched. The tadpoles were kept in the elder brain tank, where they were fed brains by caretakers and engaged in cannibalism for around ten years. The elder brain also fed exclusively on tadpoles. Tadpoles that survived to maturity were put through the ceremony of ceremorphosis, where each was implanted into a humanoid victim and devoured its brain, taking its place and merging with the body to transform it into a new illithid.   Despite the support and development that the Elder Brain can create, some illithids have gained the ability to store a tadpole within themselves, and can attack a humanoid to implant it within them, creating a much slower, but more mobile method of ceremorphosis for reproduction.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Illithids must consume the brain matter of intelligent life, or their powers will dampen, and they will begin to shrivel and die.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Illithids have tentacle-like appendages that sprout from the bottom of their faces that they use to secure a head firmly against their mouths whilst devouring the brain of a victim.

Average Intelligence

Illithids are among the most intelligent life in all the planes. They have a collective unity through their colony's Elder Brain.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Mind flayers have innate Psionic powers, allowing them to use telekinesis, as well as read and control the minds of those who cannot resist them. More powerful Illithids, such as the Elder Brain, or an Ulitharid, are capable of using their Psionics over the range of several miles, and can feel the presence of unprotected minds. In rarer cases, Mind Flayers learn arcane magics, either through devouring the knowledge of a magic user, or through practice as any other being. However, magic is seen as mostly repulsive to illithids, seeing their own Psionics as superior.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Illithid Tadpoles can be considered parasitic until they have fully matured into adult illithids inside the host body.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Illithids don't commonly adopt traditional names, but among the strongest and most intelligent, they bear complex names that most people cannot pronounce. Translating an illithid's name is a feat of intelligence, and will gain the respect of one. Beware, for the most intelligent minds are their most sought out, and most delectable treat.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

While most illithids prefer telepathic communication, some have learned languages such as common, undercommon, and deep speech.

Common Taboos

The practice of arcane magics is seen as taboo in mind flayer society, ostracizing these beings as repulsive, often banishing them or outright killing them. Magic is only used in times of dire need, or if it is essential to expansion, such as leaving a planet.


Illithids are a scourge to the universe, devouring intellect anywhere they can, and have a seemingly endless apatite. They arrived in Otrus in the year 2060 (P.Q.), and ravaged through the ancient nation of the Miracle Empire. It wasn't until 2065 (P.Q.) when they were rounded up and defeated by the nation of Talo, and the Heroes of Otrus. The elder brain, before being destroyed by Heroes, stated the following before their death:   "This may be the end of this form, but the illithid scourge shall return, fate has deemed it so. Your useless sacks you call bodies will decay and be long buried when our glorious knowlege will wreak havoc once again. It all ends with Dualdak."   It wasn't until the year 5060 (P.Q), nearly 3000 years later, that the illithids began to be seen again. Now, they have begun planting themselves once more, expansion and conquer in their sights.

Historical Figures

The most notable and clearly recorded illithid was the Elder Brain known as Sraxillith. He was the one to originate the swarm that destroyed the Miracle Empire.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Illithids cannot survive without other intelligent humanoids to feed on, as well as use to reproduce.
Genetic Descendants
Scientific Name
125+ years
Conservation Status
Thought to be wiped out in the year 2065 P.Q, Mind Flayers have miraculously reborn, and they have begun feeding on intelligent minds to spread themselves across the entire planet.
Average Height
The weight and height of mind flayers ranges, depending on the size of the host humanoid.
Average Weight
The weight and height of mind flayers ranges, depending on the size of the host humanoid.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
They most often sport a wet, grayish-purple skin.
Geographic Distribution


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