Demi-whims Ethnicity in Agency Obscura | World Anvil
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Demi-whims are Whims who are of human descent. This does not include Whims who were once humans but were transformed, these are specifically Whims who have both human and Whim parentage.


Culture and cultural heritage

Demi-whims have been around just about as long as humans. In centuries past, when Whims freely roamed the earth, demi-whims were generally mistrusted by humans but treated kindly (if sometimes condescendingly) by other Whims. Now that Whims have to live in secrecy, demi-whims are often resented for their ability to blend into human society so seamlessly, and for being a glaring reminder that Whims culture is starting to die out.   Demi-whims almost exclusively live in human settlements since their bodies are usually not suited to living in secrecy in the wilderness.   Demi-whims typically have access to their otherworldly abilities from birth, although likely a less intense set of powers than their Whim parent has. If their Whim parent looks significantly different from a human the demi-whim may have some of these physical differences but not others, or less protruding differences.   They can usually eat and process any foods that humans can, although they might have a few dietary restrictions or obligations depending on their Whim parent. For example, a carnivorous Whim's demi-whim child might be able to eat things besides meat, but meat will need to be a significant part of their intake in order to sustain them.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

Since demi-whims do not have their own society, they will attempt to blend into either human society or hidden Whim societies, or they will go off on their own.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

Their exact circumstances of birth depend on what kind of Whim their parent is and whether or not their human parent was the one who gave birth to them. More often than not the mother (or other womb-having parent) who is human.