St. Andral's Orphanage Building / Landmark in Age Of The Imperium | World Anvil
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St. Andral's Orphanage

A large stone house set back from the road, the Orphanage is the home of Headmistress Claudia Belasco, the altar boy Yeska, the gravedigger Milivoj, and about two dozen other children.  


For the past month, bad times have fallen on the orphanage. Milivoj, who supports the orphanage by working as the gravedigger at St. Andral's Church, has recently fallen ill and can no longer work. In addition, an orphan boy named Cedrik fell to his death from the second floor window of the orphanage. Two other boys also ran away in the past week, and the town guard has been unable to find them. These events all coincide with the arrival of a new boy named Felix who moved to the orphanage after his parents were brutally murdered. Felix has had difficulty fitting in with the other children, and Ms. Belasco fears that Felix may be harming them.  


While investigating the missing bones from St. Andral's Church, the party came to the orphanage seeking to question Yeska and Milivoj. When they found Milivoj comatose, they began to investigate the peculiar situation developing at the orphanage. Ultimately, the party discovers that Felix was possessed by a demon which came from a peculiar locket. Felix killed his parents while possessed, and also killed Cedrik after arriving at the orphanage. The party corners Felix and drives the demon back to the locket. After this, Milivoj wakes up and admits to taking the bones of St. Andral, selling them to the carpenter Henrik van der Voort in order to make up for lost wages from his illness.

Milivoj the Gravedigger

Parent Location


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