Yndonesic Bloc Organization in AGE OF STRIFE | World Anvil

Yndonesic Bloc

==Yndonesic Bloc==

Partially arthored by Corbec of Discord     Brief Summary   Yndonesic Bloc (Indonesia) - The Yndonesic Bloc was a techno-barbarian state located in what was once Southeast Asia region. As late as the time of the Horus Heresy in the 31st Millennium, the Yndonesic Bloc, though an integral part of the Imperium of Man, still retained a distinct regional identity on Terra.   The Yndonesic Bloc was ruled by a man named "Cardinal Tang", the tyrannical "Ethnarch," during the closing years of the Age of Strife before the Unification. He wished to "return the world to a pre-technological age, "burning scientists, mathematicians and philosophers" who opposed his church's views.   Tang imposed a genocidal policy that consisted of forced breeding between only "genetically compatible" citizens of the Bloc, combined with a eugenics program that aimed for the pursuit of racial hygiene through the use of compulsory sterilizations and the genocidal extermination of "undesirables." Those that defied these enforced edicts were punished brutally. Imperial history would later characterise Tang's rule as one of "bloody pogroms, death camps and genocides." Tang was eventually overthrown by his own people during the rise of the nascent Imperium and was imprisoned in the notorious penal colony of Nusa Kambagan (which would later become a productive Imperial hive city). Tang tried to conceal his true identity and hide amongst the general population. But only a few days after his arrival, Tang's fellow inmates learned of his true identity and murdered the former despot. The military unit known as the Stormbird was developed by the Yndonesic Bloc and used against the Pan-Pacific Tribes during the Unification Wars. No information is available in Imperial records to identify what the Stormbird was, though it was likely a weapon used against those techno-barbarian states that allied with the Emperor's growing forces.    

Organizational Structure:

  The Yndonesic Bloc has changed over the centuries. Starting out as a Coalition of regional players, they have merged and federalized over the centuries.   Under Tang, The Bloc became a theocratic, fascistic, Authoritarian, Dictatorship with Tang at the head of a nationwide cult of personality. The Tang regime is ruled by his personal Cult called “The Church of Man Perfected”. (See: Beliefs systems, section below for more information)   Leader(S): Cardinal Tang   Leader Titles: "Ethnarch"      


  Before Tang's takeover of the Empire, the Bloc was a fairly proactive regional power. For Centuries they were the counter to the Pan-Pacific Empire (pre,during, and after the Albian Occupation). Launching varies invasions into Indo to its west, Oz to its South, and pan-pacific to its North and east.   The Empire of Yndonesian Bloc under Tang has become more aggressive towards its neighbors and all those not willing to grovel at Tangs dominion. As a result, the Bloc fights on all fronts against its neighbors.   Allies: None (unknown)   Enemies: Pan-Pacific Empire, Imperium of Man      



Culture and Society



  After millenia of regional cooperation, the many people and cultures off the region have become unified in socialy under the Empire. As a result, the the many people of the region are seen as unified cultual group with a wide array of subcultures and social offshoots.   most of these subgroups are of ancient earth originas including but not limitied to; Than Hoa, Kualampur, Jakaarta, Bandar Seri, and Manoocan     "The Church of Man Perfected" Class Structure   Under the Current order of Cardinal Tang, Society has been divided into a class system.   Pureblood Pendekar   These are the elite troops of Cardinal Tang’s ethnarchy. Born from only the most carefully coordinated genetic pairings, the Pendekar represent the ideal of physical and mental perfection in Yndonesic society. As such, they are more than just warriors, but truly paragons of the Church of Man Perfected, each certain in the knowledge that they have attained the pinnacle of God’s expectations for humanity. Indeed, reality reflects this belief, as their selective breeding makes them stronger, tougher, and more intelligent than the average Yndonesic citizen and far more pure-blooded than any of the corrupted mongrel strains of humanity that exist elsewhere on Terra.   From birth, each Pendekar is trained extensively in both religious and martial arts, fortifying their souls as well as their bodies for the struggle to maintain the ascendancy of Cardinal Tang. The Pendekar training academy is harsh in the extreme, instilling in its charges an ironclad sense of duty, utter ruthlessness, and complete certainty in their own holiness and that of Cardinal Tang. Trainees undergo rigorous acts of mental, spiritual, and physical endurance and learn the art of killing almost as soon as they can walk. At the age of seven, each prospective member of the Pureblood Pendekar must execute a Kampung prisoner of their own free will and with a method of their choosing. Individuals who kill most violently or elaborately are often marked for higher purpose within the elite. Those that fail in this training at any stage are not slain, for their genetic makeup is too valuable to be wasted in such a callous manner. Instead, they are branded with the mark of shame and sent to serve in lesser posts among the internal security services of the Penanngal and as leaders of the Kampung Zealotry. Far from breaking the will of these failures, rejection often turns them into the most zealous followers of the Cardinal, as they desperately try to earn the afterlife of perfection that they were denied in life through great acts of devotion and service.   Those Pendekar that survive their training regime emerge as paladins of their faith, able and willing to be sent against the enemies of the Ethnarch with unquestioning devotion and fanatical courage. While the Kampung Zealotry forms the main line of the Yndonesic Bloc’s armies, it is the Pendekar who provide the solid backbone to these forces, being deployed to break the hardest of foes and weather the toughest of storms. In battle, the Pendekar descend from the unique Yndonesic Warhawk assault transports on jump-packs, like angels on wings of fire, and close quickly with their foes. Though all Pendekar are trained in a wide variety of weaponry and carry brutal fusion guns into battle for dealing with stubborn foes, they are most feared for their skills in close combat, where they wield vibrakris blades with horrendous ferocity. Each vibrakris is awarded to a trainee upon their ascension to the ranks of the Pendekar and are capable of cutting through the toughest of armor with ease thanks to the rapid shivering of the blade. The Pendekar themselves wear the finest battleplate the Bloc can provide, a baroque mixture of ceramic plate and adamantine mail that is proof against all but the heaviest of weapons. These suits are incredibly valuable and as such are carefully cataloged. They pass from one Pendekar to another upon death or crippling injury, ensuring that available resources are always best used on the frontlines.   While always favoring the lightning assault, the Pendekar are often deployed alongside the legions of the Kampung Zealotry, where their very presence acts as a lodestone for the religious fervor of the lesser soldiers. A single detachment of Pendekar can steel an entire battle line and drive those around them into acts of unparalleled fanaticism. It is common for these Pendekar units to include a gene-kyai of the Church, who preaches alongside these perfect warriors to inspire the troops further still. When not fulfilling these roles, the Pendekar serve as bodyguards for the Ethnarch and his bishops. Indeed, the fearsome Rakasa form the most elite unit in the Pendekar, tasked with guarding the life of Cardinal Tang above all else. They often take part in the necessary ethnic cleansing operations of the Penanngal, the security services of the Ethnarch responsible for ensuring no impurity remains among the populace. Ruthless in their practice, the Pendekar will slaughter anything that they are ordered to without qualm, making them excellent executioners for the purges. Select members of the Pendekar are trained to serve as pilots, tankers, and artillerists, allowing the elite of the Yndonesic military to field full forces as needed. Though few in number compared to their Kampung Zealotry counterparts, their training makes them far superior on the battlefield, and as such they are only carefully employed in the most critical of battles.   Kampung Zealotry   Though the vast majority of citizens of the Yndonesic bloc are the product of Cardinal Tang’s eugenic program, it is an unfortunate fact that not all bloodlines can truly be perfected. Fortunately, the Church of Man Perfected makes exceptions for these so-called mongrel or Kampung breeds. While all Kampung can serve the Ethnarch, most often in the fields or in factories, fulfilling the untold number of menial roles necessary for keeping the Bloc functioning, those who willingly dedicate their lives to the Ethnarch’s military can join the Kampung Zealotry. Through exemplary military service, a Kampung may earn their place in the ideal afterlife promised only to the truly genetically perfect. Though they will never attain the same status in the eyes of God as the Purebloods or gene-kyai (priests of the Church), the mere chance to reach an ideal afterlife is enough to drive thousands upon thousands of Kampung to sign away their futures to the will of the Ethnarch.   For the most part, the Zealotry are well-trained soldiers and form the bulk of the Yndonesic Bloc military. Indeed, while Cardinal Tang is ruthless in his desire to reach full genetic perfection among the people of his suzerain, he is wise enough to realize that in the harsh world of Terra, only a large and well-trained military is a guarantor of survival. While not as skilled or fanatical as the Pendekar, the Zealotry can hold fortresses, conduct assaults, and maintain logistical networks capable of keeping the Yndonesic military functioning. The Zealotry provides pilots, tankers, and artillerists in large numbers, allowing for the creation of specialized units that can assist the standard infantry on the field of battle. Though they do not have access to the famed Warhawk assault transports of the Pendekar, the Zealotry do maintain a robust force of lesser aircraft of a similar make, the Nephoros-class assault shuttle. In battle, most Zealots wield Yndonesic dart rifles, basic needler weapons unique to the Yndonesic Bloc that deliver the foulest toxins the Dukun of the Church can concoct. Clad in little more than robes and leather armor, the Zealots are not meant for long-term survival in high-intensity warzones, but their numbers and desire for redemption make them a potent fighting force. Given the choice, a Zealot would rather die in combat than anywhere else, for a glorious death in battle is an almost certain pathway to the ideal afterlife.   The Kampung Zealotry are almost exclusively led by rejected members of the Pendekar training academy. Though they were not worthy of inclusion among the elite, their advanced intellects and desperation for success to overcome their shame make them excellent leaders for similarly motivated Zealots. Some Kampung do rise to positions of command within the Zealotry, especially as non-commissioned officers, but they are always subservient to the will of these forsaken Purebloods. Outside of the command cadre, gene-kyai form an important role within the Zealotry, ensuring motivation and devotion in equal measure and attending to the spiritual needs of the soldiery. It is common for a gene-kyai to bless Zealots prior to battle and it is often upon these religious leaders that Pureblood commanders come to rely for insights into the readiness and motivation of their units. Discipline is firm among the Kampung Zealotry, for those who fail in their roles are failing the Ethnarch himself, since he alone owns their lives. Indeed, a gene-kyai’s quiet word in the ear of a commanding officer is enough to damn a zealot. Surprisingly, the most serious punishments rarely involve execution. Instead, the offender is stripped of their rank, forever cast out of any attempt to reach the ideal afterlife, and despatched to an undignified fate serving among the twisted legions of The Regretful. This is considered a fate worse than death.   When not fighting for the Bloc, the Kampung Zealotry form the bulwark of internal security forces for the Ethnarch, though they rarely participate in purges in anything other than a supplementary role. Zealots may have children as part of the Church’s purity regime, but it is almost guaranteed that their offspring will be Kampung like their parents barring some exceptional circumstance. Many still persist with bearing children in the hopes that they will receive a miracle Pureblood birth and with perhaps a rise in status and more comfortable future. That said, there is no retirement or freedom for the Zealotry. They serve until they die, either on the battlefield or in a logistics role to support newer, younger troops.   The Regretful   The Regretful are the lowest of the low in Yndonesic society. So genetically impure that Cardinal Tang judges them fit only for death, they are used as slave-soldiers in the most brutal and suicidal missions available. Even with careful eugenics monitoring and consistent purges of the unworthy, it is still possible for children to be born in the Bloc that fail to achieve even the most basic genetic standards required for membership in the Kampung. Many times, these children are killed out of hand, either due to their mutations or mental deficiencies. Some, however, are sound enough in mind and body to serve the Ethnarch in a fashion, though they will never earn any form of redemption in the Church and are sterilized as a matter of both policy and dogma. Most often these genetic cast-offs are condemned to short lives of harsh menial labor doing thankless tasks. Those that are not sent into such roles are turned over to the ethnowrights of the Church, the Dukun, who attempt to hone their genecraft on these wretched individuals. The end results of such experimentation are The Regretful, twisted and broken soldiery that are often mutated or experimented on until they become horrific monstrosities. These worthless creatures are given the most rudimentary weaponry and are herded into battle in unthinking masses to absorb minefields, overrun enemy positions, and otherwise do whatever the Kampung Zealotry are deemed too valuable to sacrifice for.   Though many of The Regretful are born into the role, those who prove themselves genetically unworthy through word or deed may find themselves sentenced to the caste. This is often the fate of dissidents, heretics, and other criminals in the Bloc that are not executed out of hand. Kampung Zealots that falter in their duties are sent to the workshops of the Dukun and occasionally even a Pureblood that fails spectacularly enough will be dispatched to The Regretful, a truly terrible end for a prized bloodline. Cardinal Tang knows the effectiveness that this threat of eternal damnation holds and wields it like a scalpel to keep the Purebloods aligned with his will. None wish to become examples of the worst that Yndonesic society has to offer.      

Beliefs Systems

  Church of Man Perfected   "The Church of Man Perfected" was an amalgamated hodgepodge of various popular belief systems from Old Terra. Drawing off of long-standing traditions and forms of worship native to the Yndonesic region, Tang crafted a religion that was both familiar yet exceedingly different from what currently existed. In contrast to the Mosalmanii or Catheric creeds, Tang preached a nationalistic and racial greatness of purebreed humanity. In a drive to; "return the world to a pre-technological age" burning scientists, mathematicians and philosophers."   Paradoxical as it may seem, The Church of Man Perfected strongly in favour of eugenics, so the country is overflowing with death camps for "undesirables".        


  Capital(s): “Temasek” (Singapore)   Territory or area of operation:   The Yndonesian Bloc, as its name suggests, is centered around the Yndonesian region of Southeast Eurasia on Terra. To its north and west is the Pan-Pacific Empire. To its West is Indo. And to its South, are the lands of OZ.   Its core territory are; Than Hoa, Kualampur, Jakaarta, Bandar Seri, and Manoocan.   Than Hoa - Vietnam   Kualampur - Singapore   Jakaarta - Indonesia   Bandar Seri - ???   Kualampur - ???      

Technology Level

  Cardinal Tang took over the state in a populist uprising, wishing to "return the world to a pre-technological age" burning scientists, mathematicians and philosophers. As a result of these policies much of the population of The Bloc lives in squaller.   Despite Tangs policy of "returning the world to a pre-technological age", the Manufacturing capabilities of the Block is advanced. Harbouring several DAoT manufacturing centers, the armies of the Block are supplied with advance weapons and equipment. These advanced manufacturing centers were Nationalized or outright ceased militarily. The industries would later be privatized and awarded to loyal members of his cult. These industries were then decreaded as "natural function of the Humanities" seperating them away from the "evils of sciences and technologies"   Paradoxical as it may seem, but he is also a huge fan of eugenics (that is kind of science), so the country is overflowing with death camps for "undesirables". Soon he will be overthrown by his own people.      


  Founding date: ca. 28 M   Dissolution Date: 29712    

Historic write up:

  Foundation of the Yndonesic Bloc   Formed centuries after the fall of the global Old Earth government, the Yndonesic Bloc was formed from a confederacy of regional states to into a proper unified nation. The Block would largely dominate the south-east asian section of terra.   In the wake of the Last Earth-Martian War and the collapse of the global government, the region of south-east Asia fell into disarray. Rich in population, resources, and technology, the south-eastern was a worthy prize for any group capable of asserting their claim.   From this multitude of rivals arose four powerful factions, each of which was centered around the remaining great cities of the region.   From the hive of Manoocan came The Manoocanic Sovereignty, a robust ethnically homogenous kingdom of great industrial might.   Their nearest neighbors, The Emirate of Jakaatra, also established themselves as powerful players, ruling over a once mighty archipelago with a massive population of willing warriors ready to die for the cause of their god.   Between them, these two powers devoured The Sultanate of Bandar Seri, bringing them into direct conflict with The Kualampur Federation. Located at a critical crossroads in the region and guided by a council of kings, the first of which ruled from their ancestral seat of Bangaburi, the Kualampur Federation wielded impressive technologies in their defense, including a powerful flying corps known as the Royal Firebacks that fielded the proto-types of the soon to be famous Stormbirds.   The final, smallest power was that of The Than Hoa Dynasty. As the northernmost regional power, the Than Hoa found themselves consistently under threat from the other remnants of Panpacifica as well as their southerly foes. Located in a spine of mountains and once fertile plans, the Than Hoa fell back upon an ancient tradition of stubborn resistance in the face of outside aggression, fending off attacks from more powerful enemies with strength and flexibility.   Only the most southeastern part of the region, nearing the blighted Panpacific Ocean, remained free of the influence of the four great powers. There, in the rad-twisted wilderness and mountains of the province of Jayapua, cannibalistic tribes of vicious junglefolk staved off all outsiders, calling upon the powers of strange, wicked gods that they placated with constant, bloody sacrifices of flesh and bone.   For two centuries, the regional powers of the southeastern Panpacific fought a tireless war with one another. Alliances shifted multiple times, cities were bombed, rebuilt, and bombed again, and entire swathes of land were burned.   The fighting would have continued in this vein for an eternity were it not for the rise of aggressive external powers.   The Jakaatra Emirate made the first move, reaching out to all three of its neighbours and offering a truce. In the face of these external invader, the great powers would unite for mutual defense.   The allied forces united to fight these invaders in the “Battle of Goonamar”. In the Battle, the invaders were harried for three weeks straight by the stealthy mountain rangers of Than Hoa, the beleaguered outriders found themselves faced with hordes of Jaaktran warriors clearing the path for surgical strikes of Mancoocanic mechanized columns. All the while, the Royal Firebacks unleashed death from above, easily winning the skies away from the invading flyers before turning their guns on the legions below.   The Battle was a critical victory, memorialized as a critical unifying event for the region and its people.   As the wars of the invaders drew to a close, the 4 regional powers began talks to form a perminate coalition to defend and stableis the region.   Though negotiations took nearly a decade to resolve, from these meetings emerged a new power, one that could rival any on the planet or beyond. Forged in the fires of war, molded with careful diplomacy and shared need, the Yndonesic Bloc was formed.      

Canon GW Lore

    Yndonesic Bloc   The Yndonesic Bloc was known as a polity on Terra since the Age of Strife. Towards the end of that period it came under the rule of Cardinal Tang.[1]   During the Unification War the Yndonesic Bloc fought against the Panpacific tribes, in particular using Stormbirds of the Warhawk VI pattern manufactured by the Bloc iself.[3]   As late as the Horus Heresy, the Yndonesic Bloc, though an integral part of the Imperium of Man, retained a distinct regional identity. For example the contacts within the Fartraders' Guild of this bloc helped the Cult of the Hedonic Lord to rise to power somewhere between M33 and M39 leading to mass rebellion that was ended only during the Siege of the Eternity Gate.[2]   See also   Panpacific Empire   Ursh   Sources   1: Mechanicum (Novel) by Graham McNeill, Chapter 2.05   2: Codex: Adeptus Custodes (8th Edition), pgs. 30-31 - The Tale of the Ten Thousand: Siege of the Eternity Gate   3: Horus Rising (Novel), Part One, Chapter Seven   Cardinal Tang   Cardinal Tang was the tyrannical "Ethnarch" of the Yndonesic Bloc on Terra during the last days of the Age of Strife and most of the Unification Wars.[1]   He was a zealot, but Tang knew the artifice of faith was his unifying weapon.[2] After taking power in the Yndonesic Bloc, Tang imposed a genocidal regime on the islands of Yndonesia, forcing mating between genetically compatible citizens and punishing "inferior matings." At the time of the Horus Heresy several centuries after Tang's rule, the Mechanicum machinist Zouche Chahaya revealed that his parents had been killed by Tang's forces for the "crime" of producing a genetically inferior child. Chahaya characterized Tang's rule as one of "bloody pogroms, death camps and genocides", resulting in the murder of millions.[1]   When the Emperor launched the Unification Wars, establishing the Imperium, Tang became one of his most long-lasting enemies. His forces still held a number of fortress zones when almost all other regimes on the planet had surrendered or been destroyed. In fact, the Imperium had already begun to expand beyond Terra, conquering Luna[3] in 703.M30.[4] When Tang's last bastion was finally conquered by the Imperium,[1] possibly around 712.M30,[5] he was captured alive and imprisoned in the notorious penal colony of Nusa Kambagan, later a productive Hive. After a few days, some of his fellow inmates learned his identity and murdered him.[1]   See also   Kalagann   Narthan Dume   Sources   1: Mechanicum (Novel), Chapter 2.05   2: Saturnine (Novel), Part 2 - Chapter 4   3: The Horus Heresy Book One - Betrayal, pg. 80   4: Horus Heresy Website: Explore the Galaxy - First Pacification of Luna (Posted on 02/06/22) (Last accessed on 2 June 22)   5: Horus Heresy Website: Explore the Galaxy - End of the Unification Wars (Posted on 02/06/22) (Last accessed on 2 June 22)   Uncited   ==Yndonesic Bloc==   Yndonesic Bloc (Indonesia) - The Yndonesic Bloc was a techno-barbarian state located in what was once Southeast Asia. As late as the time of the Horus Heresy in the 31st Millennium, the Yndonesic Bloc, though an integral part of the Imperium of Man, still retained a distinct regional identity on Terra.   The Yndonesic Bloc was ruled by a man named Cardinal Tang, the tyrannical "Ethnarch," during the closing years of the Age of Strife before the Unification. He wished to "return the world to a pre-technological age," burning "scientists, mathematicians and philosophers" who opposed his church's views.   Tang imposed a genocidal policy that consisted of forced breeding between only "genetically compatible" citizens of the Bloc, combined with a eugenics program that aimed for the pursuit of racial hygiene through the use of compulsory sterilizations and the genocidal extermination of "undesirables." Those that defied these enforced edicts were punished brutally. Imperial history would later characterise Tang's rule as one of "bloody pogroms, death camps and genocides." Tang was eventually overthrown by his own people during the rise of the nascent Imperium and was imprisoned in the notorious penal colony of Nusa Kambagan (which would later become a productive Imperial hive city). Tang tried to conceal his true identity and hide amongst the general population. But only a few days after his arrival, Tang's fellow inmates learned of his true identity and murdered the former despot. The military unit known as the Stormbird was developed by the Yndonesic Bloc and used against the Pan-Pacific Tribes during the Unification Wars. No information is available in Imperial records to identify what the Stormbird was, though it was likely a weapon used against those techno-barbarian states that allied with the Emperor's growing forces.   From https://warhammer40k.fandom.com/wiki/Unification_Wars:   Cardinal Tang was the tyrannical "Ethnarch" of the Yndonesic Bloc on Terra during the last days of the Age of Strife and most of the Unification Wars.   He was a zealot, but Tang knew the artifice of faith was his unifying weapon.[2] After taking power in the Yndonesic Bloc, Tang imposed a genocidal regime on the islands of Yndonesia, forcing mating between genetically compatible citizens and punishing "inferior matings." At the time of the Horus Heresy several centuries after Tang's rule, the Mechanicum machinist Zouche Chahaya revealed that his parents had been killed by Tang's forces for the "crime" of producing a genetically inferior child. Chahaya characterized Tang's rule as one of "bloody pogroms, death camps and genocides", resulting in the murder of millions.   When the Emperor launched the Unification Wars, establishing the Imperium, Tang became one of his most long-lasting enemies. His forces still held a number of fortress zones when almost all other regimes on the planet had surrendered or been destroyed. In fact, the Imperium had already begun to expand beyond Terra, conquering Luna in 703.M30.When Tang's last bastion was finally conquered by the Imperium,[possibly around 712.M30,[5] he was captured alive and imprisoned in the notorious penal colony of Nusa Kambagan, later a productive Hive. After a few days, some of his fellow inmates learned his identity and murdered him.   From https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Cardinal_Tang   From https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Yndonesic_Bloc   From by Artist Vanga-Vangog: Yndonesic Bloc is an ethnarchy ruled by religious tyrant Cardinal Tang, who wishes to "return the world to a pre-technological age" burning scientists, mathematicians and philosophers. Paradoxical as it may seem, but he is also a huge fan of eugenics (that is kind of science), so the country is overflowing with death camps for "undesirables". Soon he will be overthrown by his own people.   Ref; Indonesia, Kingdom of Majapahit   Originally, the Panpacific was controlled by many techno-barbarian tribes which often clashed with the Yndonesic Bloc.[1] 1: Horus Rising (Novel), Part 1, Chapter 7


ca. 28000 - 29712

Geopolitical, Empire
Alternative Names
the Block, Yndo-Pacific, ...
Predecessor Organization
Successor Organization


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