Tirzenalos the Lore Merchant Building / Landmark in Age of Legend | World Anvil
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Tirzenalos the Lore Merchant

Tirzenalos, an ancient Elf , is an information broker. He has also assembled one of the greatest libraries outside of the Great Library of Throal . His little shop has a reputation as the place to go when a person has stolen a thread item and needs to learn that item's Key Knowledges.   Tirzenalos does not deal in political secrets, for those bits of information he refers clients to The Cutthroat's Rest in Merchant's Row . He is also an expert on pre-Scourge Kratas and has a number of sotlen scrolls and books from old government offices in town. he also has an impressive collection of maps of Kratas and the Undercity , thouh he will not sell full copies to anyone
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