The Hammersing Settlement in Age of Legend | World Anvil
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The Hammersing

Once the locatioon of craftsmens and artisans workshops and small specialty shops, the Hammersing was the artisan capital of Kratas . Nearly every common household object could be found here.   Today, many of these shops are abandoned and the workshops are primarily concerned with manufacturing weapons and thieves' tools while the shops fence stolen goods.   Much of the neighborhood is composed of a number of workshops clustered around open open courtyards tha tallow for the delivery of raw materials easily. One or two buildings on each "compoud" are open to the street, allowing passersby to purchase finished wares.   In addition to the notable establishments of the neighborhood there are dozens of other shops scattered about. Most owners of these shops deal, at least in part, in stolen goods sometimes reworking the to hide their original nature. There are also many workshops that provide many of life's necessities such as furniture. Most of these artisans barely scrabe by and their stores and wares reflect this.

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