Enchanter's Crucible Building / Landmark in Age of Legend | World Anvil
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Enchanter's Crucible

This building is not so much a shop as it is a collective, social club and workshop, though enchanted goods can be bought and sold here as well. There is a large courtyard surrounded by small workshops that can be used by magicians and others to create enchanted objects. The courtyard holds a forge, kln, loom and summoning circles, including bone circles. The workshops have workbenches, tols and raw materials. There's also a small library on enchanting.   Joining the crucible involves being interviewed by two or more established members and a little demonstration of skills to show basic competency and honesty. Those that make it must pay a monthly fee of 100 silver pieces, but this gives access to the workshops and a way to buy raw materials, including True Elements . With other experienced enchanters around, one can also gain much knowledge.   It is a mistake to believe that items can be purchased off the shelf here, or that stolen enchanted goods can be fenced. Unless a magician has a specific use for a magic item he or she will not buy one.   To help deter thieves, members do not advertise its presence outide of magical circles, and there is no sign identifying the building. There have not been many attempts at theft, due mainly to fear of what magical protections there might be set up.
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