Escape From Kratas Report in Age of Legend | World Anvil
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Escape From Kratas

General Summary

After having been captured by Kroptark the Immense , the members of the Company of the Free Voice were chained up somewhere in Kratas . A mysterious elven woman released them, promising to explain later, and directing them to escape through the sewers.   While in the sewers, they encountered a new friend, Guillermo Pynn , who helped the heroes fight off an Alligator . Following the sewers, the crew found a hole into which a small shanty town outside of Kratas' gates had been throwing trash. But before they could escape through the hole, they were attacked by a Plague lizard who lived in the trash heap.   Dispatching the plague lizard, the group made their escape and got to the Axe In Hand Inn where the woman explained that she was Tilde and a member of a sub-group of Brocher's Brood who do not agree with the way Vistrosh is leading the gang. She paid for a room and baths for all and arranged to have their mounts brought in from Kratas proper.

Rewards Granted

800 Legend Points, a free night at the Axe In Hand, complete with bath

Character(s) interacted with

Forged in the Crucible of Legend
Alshta 'Yam-Tong'
Guillermo Pynn
Player Journals
Escape from Kratas: Sewer Situation by Guillermo Pynn
Report Date
26 Apr 2019
Primary Location
Secondary Location

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