Guillermo Pynn Character in Age of Legend | World Anvil
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Guillermo Pynn

Guillermo Pynn (a.k.a. "Pine")

Elven archer (Placeholder page 'til I put up more info)
cut short, sandy coloured
1.7 m
54 kg
Aligned Organization

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A Simple Delivery (Session 2) - Adventure in Bartertown

Still a couple of days from Bartertown, as the gang rides through the Scorchers territory under a flag of honour carried by Drax. The gang spots orks but they honour the flag.   Towards the end of the final day, they spot a mountain range and the outline of a city, they arrive at Bartertown. An eclectic maze of a city with winding streets and several buildings. As they approach they spot the large archways with two dwarves statues in front. They seem to be looking down over Bartertown.   It's late in the day, afternoon melting into evening, the temperature drops a few degrees as they make they were amongst the streets. Alshta, is looking for a venue so she can earn some extra coins. She wants to dance.   Merchants along the streets are very in your face, trying hard to hawk there wares. Guillermo is interested in some arrows, but Krilong tells him there will be time tomorrow. First we find a place to bed down for the night, then when dawn arrives we find the FetchQuest building and then spend our coins.   The Glass Eye Tea House Inn is recommended to the group since it does have a place to dance; this makes Alshta happy since she get's to enjoy an evening to make some coins. The inn is owned and operated by a troll woman who indeed does have a glass eye.   The group gets a common room, Alshta tries to make a deal with the owner of the establishment. But the ol' troll woman won't have it and says that it's a "pay to stay" and that's that.   With a room for the group and some baths drawn, gear is locked away and changing of grubby clothes into cleaner ones for the night. The gang is ready to rock and roll for the night except for Krilong who decides to study the bracers that was gifted to them by the Pumpkin King a few days back.   Alshta takes to the dance floor as Pip begins to mimic a song, the little windling has a talent for making musical melodies. Alshta's dance is hypnotic and she ends up bring in 33 silver coins from it.   Drax discovers that Hurl is served here and he orders it. Guillermo inquires about the drink and is told that it's fermented milk mixed with hot peppers. Draw orders one for Guillermo; Guillermo takes a whiff of it; he plugs his nose and then downs the drink.   Guillermo's delicate stomach cannot handle the drink and he ends up hurling his guts, but to make matters worse the drink knocks him down for the count as well.   When Guillermo awakes he discovers that he is on his bed, his head hurts his throat is scratchy. Drax pats him on the back and tells him he had survived his first encounter with Hurl. Guillermo tells him never again.   Krilong finds out about the bracers and weaves a thread into it.   They gear up and head downstairs, grab a bit to eat and ask the innkeeper wheres the FetchQuest office. She gives them direction; saying it's just a couple of blocks over.   Bartertown is even busier in the morning, with vendors shouting out their wares and their prices. Some offering steal of a deal for some products. The group continues on, but they soon head down a dark alley. As they make their way down, Krilong spots movement on the rooftop. The gang is prepared for an ambush, but that doesn't happen. The shadows on the rooftop have disappeared.   We arrive at FetchQuest and meet up with a slender dwarf named, Narle'in Dhawin. She owns and operates the business. We drop of the letter from Tilde and she knows exactly where it will go.   Alstha wants to send a letter home.   Narle'in offers the group a task if they are interested. The group mulls this over as they take a few days to train; might as well since they are in a settlement for a few days.

A Simple Delivery: The Postman Always Slays Twice

Guillermo awakes in a deep sleep, it’s been days since he felt the warm of a bed after a good night of soaking in a tub washing out the grime and gunk of the sewers. He stretches and his feet hit the cold floor, time to see what their mysteries benefactor wants them to do.   He checks in with the others and they all head down to the common area, breakfast is being served. Tilde is resting at a table, he feet up and the brim of her hat pulled down as if she had been waiting for us to finally arrive.   Our freedom comes with a small price, she tells us. She has a task for us to do, a simple delivery. He holds out an envelope that has a wax seal and a design on it. Bartertown is a few days east of her and she wants us to bring it to a “Fetch Quest” office there and they will take care of the rest.   Krilong is cautious about this delivery thinking it’s got to be some catch to it. Alshta thinks it’s only fair since after all Tilde freed us from the cells. We accept this assignment and proceed to the stables were Tilde had fetched the horses from Kratas. The only problem is that Guillermo doesn’t have a mount, as discussion is underway who should he ride with. Guillermo walks down the stables, grabs a saddle from a post and approaches a horse and puts the saddle on it, leads the horse out of it’s stall and joins the party.   “Problem solved,” he quips.   The group decides to leave the stables and town before the owner of the horse discovers that it is missing.   They leave the shanty town and ride through the hills and plains, fording a great river and proceeding to bed down for the night. Watches are set up and everyone has a chance to get some shut-eye before something mysterious happens.   It seems the earth is shifting, as vines move and small pumpkins begin to grow. Guillermo is awoken by this and is cautioned by those on watch. They seem to know what is going on but he doesn’t.   A Pumpkinesque being appears, apparently this group had an encounter with it and now it has come back to give them a gift for their services rendered. It’s a set of “bracers” and the creature melds back into nature just as it had appeared. Alshta is paranoid about the gift, the others are weary but accept them none-the-less.   The group travels for a few days, then one morning storm is brewing and we move to find some place to hold up. But, suddenly a patrol of Ork Sorchers appear on the horizon and Guillermo panics and fires off a arrow. Thus, the Orks ride in full charge and a battle takes place.   As arrows fly, lances level and swords clash, this battle seems to be on even ground. Thus the ork leader bellows and tries to shake our morale, we still engage in combat.   Eventually the leader of the scorchers challenge the cavalryman to a joust. It’s an honour challenge and the scorchers and party agree to it. The ork says if he wins he demands all our silver, but if the cavalryman wins then we can cross through there land without fear. We didn’t realize that we were encroaching on someone’s territory.   Which challenge excepted, the joust is one intense scene since the calvaryman hadn’t been rolling in his favour during the session. Though, in the end the dice more than ever rolled higher than ever before.   The lance knocking the ork scorcher off his mount and unto the ground, and everyone held their breath. The leader stood and acknowledged the blow and honoured the challenge. Also given us a strip off the banner they carried to show that we earned our crossing through their territory.   So now the party continues to Bartertown.

Escape from Kratas: Sewer Situation

Guillermo Pynn awoke to the sound of a latch opening, he had been caught and held captive in a cell for a few days and it was he had been wandering about in Kratas and then he got jumped by a group and dragged into the pens at the abandoned Temple of Dis where this gang was using as a base of operations.   Guillermo learned that Kroptark the Immense’s gang was in control of the area. The mysterious elven woman said she was part of the gang but needed a favour later, she told him to be at the Axe in Hand Inn where she would explain later. She told Guillermo to be quick and directed him to the sewer entrance.   The mysterious elven woman moved on as quietly as she arrived. Guillermo gathered up his stuff in a trunk by the cell and made his way to the sewer enterance, he trudged along the way and got turned around. Above ground he could tell you the direction, but underground he was lost.   He rounded a corner and stumbled across a group of adventures who seem to be on the run as well. A big brute of an ork (Drax), T’strang (Krilong), another elf (Alshta) and a windling (Pip). Guillermo learns they were also aided in their escape by a mysterious elven woman as well. Guillermo asks if they don’t mind an extra body in the company since it’s good to travel in numbers. Especially, in the sewers.   Just as the team begins to move there is a huge alligator that charges in and tries to take a big chunk out of Drax. There is a huge battle as the creature is a lot tougher than it looks. The skirmish takes a few rounds and after all is said in done, the beast is done and team continues along the way. Alshta insisting that we head above ground as quick as possible.   Following the sewers for what seems like miles there is a shaft of light ahead to reveal a hole topside and a heap of garbage. It seems this area is a garbage dump as the group carefully makes it way to the post, they discover a huge lizard-like beast int he trash. It’s a plague lizard and it’s bite is nasty as Guillermo discovers.   Pip tries to distract the beast while we pepper off a few shots at it but to no avail, the beasts teeth had found a soft spot on Guillermo’s arm and injects him with some form of plague cause him to vomit as his guts seems to churn and spit. The beast is wounded as the team manage to hit it hard and it burrows back into the trash.   Alshta says it’s time to go while the getting is good and we climb up the trash heap and into a shanty town. Covered in crud and looking for a place to wash up and rest, the group wanders about and soon sees the Axe in Hand Inn where the woman who freed us is waiting. Her name is tilde and she is a member of a sub-group of the gang that doesn’t like the way the gang leader, Vistrosh, is doing things.   Tilde says she paid for room and baths and arranged to have the mounts brought in from Kratas proper. Guillermo and his new-found friends, Alshta, Pip, Krilong and Drax settle in for the night for a bath, a hot meal and a comfy place to rest for the evening.
This article has no secrets.


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Apr 27, 2019 12:54

Yay. ;)