The Axe In Hand Inn Building / Landmark in Age of Legend | World Anvil
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The Axe In Hand Inn

Located about a mile outside of Kratas , this is the last place to stay before entering the city proper if coming in from southwest of the City of Thieves. It is where those who have business in Kratas, but are too fearful stay actually within the city, who were banned by the Force of the Eye or who don't want to pay the 10 silver to enter the city for the night, make their base camps.   The inn is not safe from thieves, being so close to Kratas, but it is sturdily built with ironbound doors. No guarantee is made by the owner of the inn, a Human named Nandra Finch. Renting a room here costs 5 silver, and meals with ale can be had for 4 silvers. Ale alone costs 1 silver piece. There are occasional Troubadour entertaining in the common room.   One of the main draws of the inn is the bathouse. This bathhouse is fed by a hot spring and is quite luxurious. One guest per room may use the bathhouse for free, but additional occupants cost 3 silver pieces each.
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