Catholic Church Organization in Afterlight | World Anvil

Catholic Church

In the Afterlight setting, the Catholic Church has undergone significant changes in the year 2039. In the aftermath of the apocalypse, the church has shifted its focus towards humanitarian aid and community building. Many churches and monasteries have been transformed into shelters, hospitals, and community centers.   The church has faced criticism for its stance on genetic engineering, with some accusing it of hindering scientific progress.   Despite this shift, the Catholic Church continues to be involved in political and social issues, often taking controversial stances on topics such as genetic engineering and supernatural creatures. The church has also become more open to the supernatural, recognizing its existence and even forming a secret organization known as the Inquisition to deal with supernatural threats.  

Interaction with the supernatural:

  • The Inquisition works closely with the Vatican to investigate and deal with supernatural threats. They have access to ancient texts and artifacts that are kept secret from the public.
  • Some members of the clergy possess supernatural abilities and use them in service to the church.
  • The church has been known to exorcise possessed individuals and bless holy water to be used against supernatural creatures.
Religious, Organised Religion
Leader Title
Subsidiary Organizations

Articles under Catholic Church


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