Sorrow Bird Lake Geographic Location in After the Collapse | World Anvil

Sorrow Bird Lake

Sorrow Bird Lake is located in the Magisterium, with a colourful story surrounding it.   In the depths of history, when elves and humans both inhabited the area around the lake, and the gods walked among mortals, one tribe of humans was led by a queen of great ambition. She sought to conquer the other tribes that bordered her, both human and elven - through war, duplicity, or intrigue. The queen was haughty, and had spent years turning her people against their neighbours, and away from the Gods that had protected them. From amongst the Elven tribes the Queen wished to conquer, an old elven woman called upon her god - The Morhaeg - for aid, to protect her people from the would-be conqueror. The Morhaeg judged the Queen harshly, and sent a plague which killed almost every member of the tribe - every man, woman and child. The only survivor was the Queen herself, left alone among the ruins of her people. She walked among the dead, her ambition in ashes - The Morhaeg appeared to her there. "Now you must kill me," the queen demanded, "for my people are gone and my heart is broken."   "No." Said The Morhaeg, "You will live on." And she turned the Queen into an owl. It is said the Queen-Owl dwelled on the Island on the lake, and at night her mourning cries could be heard for miles, which gave the lake its name. Some say the Owl is still there - though perhaps The Morhaeg has forgiven her.   A small island sits on the lake, and upon the island a small house. Some say the hut is home to a wise woman, though few dare to visit her, for fear of the Queen-Owl and the curse of The Morhaeg.
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