Marion Berengar Character in After the Collapse | World Anvil

Marion Berengar

Lady Marion Berengar (a.k.a. Mary)

Marion is the current ruler of Dunhorn. She is a relatively young ruler, in her mid twenties.   The heraldry of the Berengar family displays a bear, which in combination with her preference for the wilderness has led Marion to be known as 'Little Bear'.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Marion is slim, but in good physical condition. She is strong enough to use a longbow, albeit one modified for her, and has stamina enough to continue her hunting escapades late into the night.

Mental characteristics


Marion spent two years at the College of Military Thought, between the ages of thirteen and fifteen. Her education was cut short at the death of her father.   Other than her time at the College, Marion has been educated by the priests of the Darian Creed, and by other private tutors.

Personality Characteristics

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Marion is well known among her household for her archery and hunting abilities, which were initially taught to her by her father and she has only refined and improved upon in the years since his death.

Likes & Dislikes

Apparently, Marion has a thinly veiled dislike of Renard Selerian, one of her suitors.


Family Ties

Marion is the head of the noble Berengar family, a position which came at the unfortunate cost of the death of her father and little brother. The Berengar family have Imperial roots, having come over with one of the first waves of soldiers. When the Imperial forces occupied Dunhorn, the battle resulted in the near obliteration of the native rulers of the settlement. The last living woman of that line was married into the Berengar family, who took over rulership of Dunhorn.   Marion's Father was Henric Berengar, the previous Lord of Dunhorn. He died when Marion was fifteen, at the age of thirty seven. It was announced that he died from an infected wound, received from a boar on one of his many hunting trips. In more shadowy corners, it is claimed that he was poisoned by the current Lord Lardoque's father in the wake of a disagreement. Marion's brown hair and eyes came from her father's Imperial bloodline.   Marion's Mother, Blaanid, came from the Keltoi in the mountains to the east of Dunhorn. She died when Marion was twelve years old, due to complications from giving birth to a little boy. Blaanid was pale, with auburn hair, and many say that Marion resembles her.   Marion also had a little brother named Arlen, who would have inherited the Lordship of Dunhorn after his father's death had he survived childhood. His manner of death was never announced, but he did not survive past his first year.

Religious Views

Marion is an adherent of the Darian Creed.

Hobbies & Pets

Marion has a number of hounds she was closely involved in training, and is an avid huntress.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • Lady of Dunhorn
  • Little Bear of Dunhorn
Year of Birth
493 24 Years old
Current Residence
Dunhorn Castle
Light Brown
Long, chocolate brown.
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations


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