Harleon Orleyn Character in After the Collapse | World Anvil

Harleon Orleyn

King Harleon Orleyn

Harleon is the young and ambitious ruler of The Kingdom of Gathion    The common folk percieve Harleon as the ideal 'Knight in Shining Armor', riding his white steed, adorned in gleaming plate armor. Considered a paragon of knighthood by many, Harleon makes no secret of his desire to claim the Wildlands, and spread just rule and civilisation to all its inhabitants, willing or not.   Harleon is descended from Gathion Orleyn, the posthumous founder of the Kingdom of Gathion.   His wife, Queen Ellyn Guyard, hails from the noble House Guyard, another family descended from the Imperial era.

Physical Description

Body Features

The native blood in Harleon's veins has resulted him in growing taller than most. The King stands well over six feet tall, and is by no means skinny. Years of practice with sword and lance has given the young king an imposing figure.

Facial Features

Harleon is strong in both Imperial and Native blood, with some historians claiming him the spitting image of Gathion Orleyn. Harleon has long blonde hair, naturally bronze skin, and blue eyes.


Family Ties

Harleon is wedded to Ellyn Guyard, with whom he has a four year old son, and a second son born recently.

Religious Views

Harleon is an adherent of the Imperial Creed
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • King of Gathion
  • Lord of Brancion
Year of Birth
485 32 Years old
Current Residence
Long, blonde
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations


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