Galibron Seredir Character in After the Collapse | World Anvil

Galibron Seredir

Lord Magister Galibron Aubron Seredir

Galibron Seredir is a Magister of Torith, and the current ruling Lord Magister of Torith's Hall of Magisters . A powerful wizard in his own right, Galibron is also the Heir of Sered - the head of the Seredir family. Despite being ostensibly human, Galibron has lived to an extremely old age, no doubt due to in some part to magic or elixirs, and the influx of elven blood at some point in his family history, as is common with many Magisterial families.   For the past thirty years, Galibron has suffered from some manner of terminal disease, though he has clung stubbornly to life and managed to be re-elected every five years for his post as Lord Magister.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Galibron is an extremely old man, who makes use of a cane to walk. He is slim and stooped, with creaking bones and liverspotted skin. He has been afflicted by some disease for the past twenty years or so, which often leaves him in coughing fits. His blood-stained handkerchiefs are legendary.

Body Features

With pale skin, and white hair, Galibron physically appears ancient. Splindly, rheumatoid fingers extend from skeletal hands and twiglike arms. His back is hunched and bony, and creaks with age.

Special abilities

Galibron is one of the most powerful mages alive, evidenced by his position as Lord Magister. The extent of his power is unknown to most, as he has never needed to take part in the Magister's Tournament to keep his seat

Apparel & Accessories

The Lord Magister most commonly is seen in the loose, flowing robes common to Magisters, despite their outdated appearance when it comes to fashion. He is usually seen wearing green, to match his eyes. He usually carries a cane to aid himself, though he has been seen making use of a wheelchair. In his rank as Lord Magister, Galibron is entitled to wear their symbol of office, the Eye of Volander, a powerful enchanted amulet.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Galibron Seredir has ruled as Lord Magister for fifty years over the course of his life, a total of ten terms. In that period, the past thirty five years have been continuous, while the first fifteen years of his tenure were split between him and other major rivals in his younger years.


Family Ties

The Seredir family are one of the most prominent in Torith, and are one of the few families which have no need to compete to retain their Magisterial seat. They are a large family, with many marital ties to other powerful Magister families, as well as up and coming families and potential Magisters in Torith.   Chief among his family is his son, Gaspard Seredir, who makes no secret of his long running attempts to displace his father and take his position as Heir of Sered - and hopefully Lord Magister as well.
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • Lord Magister
  • Magister
  • Heir of Sered
Year of Birth
414 103 Years old
Current Residence
Seredir Tower
Bright green, sharp and intelligent
White, thin, carefully groomed
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale, almost translucent, spotted and sagging
Aligned Organization


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