Ector Oriboros Character in After the Collapse | World Anvil

Ector Oriboros

Magister Ector Oriberos

Ector Oriboros was born just Ector to a lowborn family in Torith, the story is commonly known among Magisters, and serves as a prime example of the ability to ascend within Torith society.   Ector was sent to study at the College of Arcane Technique as soon as he was old enough, the tuition fee paid for by an unknown person, with Ector himself since saying that a relative had perished, leaving his family a vast sum of coin with which to have him educated. Since he became a Magister, Ector's family has all but disappeared, and the man himself has no wife or children known to the public, despite many offers.   In between his period at the College, and his ascendance to Magister, Ector also essentially disappeared. The more standard rumours claim that he spent the time in study and preparation for his later victory, while the more colourful rumours suggest he travelled the Peninsula, and perhaps beyond. When Ector returned to debut at the Magister Tournament, he was followed by a black cat, with the symbol of the Ouroboros hanging from its collar.   Ector became a Magister at age twenty seven, one of the youngest to date, and the first in his family. He took the name Oriboros as his family name on his ascension. Since that ascension, Ector has become a renowned Magister in Torith, and an important figure to Magisters who do not align with any of the three major political groups.   He has maintained his position as Magister the past two Tournaments without breaking a sweat, but has kept out of the public eye in almost all aspects of his life both personally and politically, with few knowing where he stands and who he considers allies and enemies, though many Magisters and non-Magisters are known to have worked with him on one project or another.   To the people of Torith at large, Ector Oriboros is something of an unknown. He carries much weight in the lower classes given his birth, and much influence in the hall, partially because of his popularity with the peasantry. That being said, Oriboros is as close to an enigma as a public figure can be, making few social appearances, few speeches, and most especially curious, making no attempt to further his own position in the Hall of Magisters.   Overall, Magister Oriboros is considered an unknown entity by many, seemingly taking action at random to help or hinder other Magisters or other people of Torith. That being said, most Magisters and potential Magisters treat him with a mixture of awe, respect, and a tinge of fear.

Physical Description

Apparel & Accessories

One item of note that can be seen on Ector's person is the 'sun ring', a ring decorated with the image of a shining sun that he wears on his index finger.

Mental characteristics


Ector spent a number of years at the College of Arcane Technique, studying under Ambrose Wylt and other teachers. He was a prized student in his time there, his education paid for by an unknown benefactor. Aside from this, it seems most of Ector's education has been self taught.


Ector has been a Magister in Torith since he was twenty seven, marking him one of the younger people to obtain the title.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Ector is a Magister, and not a member of a founding family nor an established Magisterial family. This means he must have competed in the Magisters Tournament and emerged victorious enough times to earn his position in the Magisterium, an impressive feat considering the opposition.


Contacts & Relations

Ector Oriboros is involved with Magister Davastus and his new museum, though the exact nature of this involvement is unknown.

Family Ties

Oriboros' parents, and any siblings he had, disappeared shortly after he became a Magister. It is unknown what happened to them, and Ector has not taken a wife or concubine in his time as a Magister. Coming from a low-blooded family, rather than a founding family or established family, Ector has essentially no blood ties to any other Magister in Torith.

Religious Views

Ostensibly, Oriboros is a follower of the Imperial Pantheon, paying special tribute to Volander as Patron of Mages and King of the Gods according to Torith.

Hobbies & Pets

Ector is known to have one pet, a black cat. The creature is often seen following him around wherever he goes, and seems to follow commands without them even being spoken. The name of the cat is unknown, though it does wear a collar, from which hangs the symbol of house Oriboros - a serpent eating its own tail. The cat has been in Ector's company since just before he became a Magister, some fourteen years ago, and has yet to show any sign of aging.

Wealth & Financial state

As with most Magisters, Oriboros possesses immense wealth and resources. Much of this he seized from the Magister whose seat he won, in the aftermath of the Tournament. The Magister in question had attempted to bypass the ancient laws of Torith and stop his seat from falling to Oriboros - the Hall looked the other way when Ector took the man's possessions for himself, and had him dealt with.
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Magister of Torith Lord Oriboros
Year of Birth
476 41 Years old
Current Residence
Oriboros Manor, Torith
Blond, smooth, combed back
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common, any others currently unknown


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