Blood Wood Geographic Location in After the Collapse | World Anvil

Blood Wood

This large forest sits near, and across, the border between the Prismatic Republic and the Magisterium of Torith. The forest has been a site of contention for as long as anyone can remember, whether it was between the different Dragonborn Clans that once occupied it and it's surrounding area, the Clans and the early Magisterium, or the Imperial controlled Magisterium and the United Dragonborn. The forest has thus been the site of countless battles throughout history, which is sometimes claimed to be the reason for the unique trees within.    The name of Blood Wood comes from the unique trees found within. Bloodwood trees can be found in clusters or individually, believed to grow on sites where people have died - more specifically, where they have been killed.   Bloodwood Trees have black bark, red cores, red leaves, and red sap. Furniture and other items made from Bloodwood is highly valuable, however is rare and difficult to obtain due to the Druids that inhabit the forest.
Forest, Temperate (Seasonal)
Owning Organization
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