Xerius Geographic Location in After Earth | World Anvil


Xerius is a planet at war, plagued by ongoing conflicts and power struggles. In the war-torn planet, the charismatic and rogue General Kassandra Voss has managed to seize control, establishing the Vanguard Unity Movement (VUM) as the ruling faction. However, their iron grip on power is contested by two formidable adversaries: the relentless SSS Corp and the ambitious Badakara Religion faction, both seeking to regain control over the planet and shape its destiny.   Under the rule of General Kassandra Voss and the VUM, Xerian culture is marked by a mix of fear, loyalty, and cautious optimism. The population is constantly bombarded with VUM propaganda through extensive media networks controlled by the faction. Citizens are indoctrinated to view Voss as a savior, their leader who will guide them towards a brighter future amidst the ravages of war. The charisma and forceful presence of Voss have engendered fierce loyalty among their followers, while dissent is met with severe consequences.   Within this tumultuous environment, the Badakara Religion faction acts as a counterforce, seeking to sway the hearts and minds of the populace through their spiritual teachings and moral principles. They offer an alternative path, promising salvation and spiritual enlightenment as a means to counter the oppressive rule of the VUM. Rituals, religious ceremonies, and devout adherence to their tenets shape the daily lives of their followers, instilling a sense of purpose and identity.   The struggle for control between the VUM, SSS Corp, and the Badakara Religion faction has created a fragmented society on Xerius. Social divisions have deepened, as individuals align themselves with the faction they believe will secure their survival or advance their interests. The planet's inhabitants navigate a treacherous landscape of loyalty, manipulation, and strategic alliances, where every action and affiliation has far-reaching consequences.   In this volatile environment, the people of Xerius yearn for stability, security, and a chance at a better future.   People openly wear their faction's colors and symbols, which often leads to fights and murders happening in broad daylight.   Vanguard Unity Movement (VUM):   Symbol: Stylized phoenix emblem
Colors: Deep crimson and metallic silver   SSS Corp:   Symbol: Interlocking gears and circuitry
Colors: Navy blue and silver   Badakara Religion Faction:   Symbol: Eye of Enlightenment within a radiant sun
Colors: Deep purple and gold


Xerius, a small dry world with a diameter of 4,800 kilometers, orbits its star in the SSS Corp system. The planet's surface is predominantly rocky and barren, characterized by vast stretches of desolate landscapes and arid plains. It is punctuated by occasional deep canyons and rugged mountains that offer some variation to the otherwise monotonous terrain. The absence of a significant atmosphere on Xerius requires inhabitants to rely on protective suits to venture outside habitable zones.


Xerius experiences a temperate climate with temperatures ranging from 0 to 30 degrees Celsius. However, due to the lack of a substantial atmosphere, the planet's climate is inhospitable for human habitation without the aid of advanced life support systems. Harsh solar radiation and extreme temperature fluctuations pose constant challenges to the population.

Fauna & Flora

Given its dry and barren nature, Xerius sustains minimal vegetation. Scattered across the planet are hardy plants that have adapted to the harsh conditions, consisting mainly of lichens, mosses, and some desert shrubs. The scarcity of water limits the existence of larger flora. In terms of fauna, Xerius is devoid of native animal life. However, SSS Corp has established enclosed biodomes and research facilities where scientists study and cultivate genetically modified organisms to explore the potential for sustaining life on the planet.


Xerius was initially colonized by SSS Corp as part of its expansion efforts. The planet's strategic location and its natural resources, primarily ice caps and valuable minerals, drew the corporation's attention. The early colonization efforts faced significant challenges due to the harsh environment, and several expeditions and settlements failed. It was only through the deployment of advanced technology and the establishment of key infrastructure that SSS Corp managed to establish a foothold on Xerius. Over time, the planet became an important outpost for stellar mining operations and a hub for military research and development.   Xerius has long been a hotbed of conflict and struggle for dominance. Once under the influence of SSS Corp, a powerful corporation known for its advancements in weaponry and stellar mining, the planet experienced a tumultuous history of resource exploitation and political maneuvering. However, discontent simmered within the populace, exacerbated by social inequalities and corporate control.   Seizing the opportune moment, General Kassandra Voss, an influential and enigmatic military figure within SSS Corp, orchestrated a successful coup, toppling the previous ruling structure. Rallying a faction of loyalists, Voss formed the Vanguard Unity Movement, leveraging their charismatic leadership and strategic brilliance to establish themselves as the new ruling power on Xerius. Through a combination of media manipulation, impassioned rhetoric, and military might, Voss secured their grip on the planet, promising a new era of stability and prosperity under their leadership.   However, their ascendancy did not go unchallenged. SSS Corp, driven by a relentless desire to reclaim control and restore their dominance, launched a campaign to regain the planet from Voss's clutches. Utilizing their expertise in advanced weaponry and stellar mining, SSS Corp employed covert operations, propaganda, and strategic alliances to undermine the authority of the VUM. Their aim was to restore their corporate influence and exploit Xerius's resources for their own gain.   Simultaneously, the Badakara Religion faction seized the chaos as an opportunity to assert their influence and vie for power on Xerius. Fueled by their unwavering devotion to their religious beliefs and the charismatic leaders within their ranks, they mobilized their followers and sought to establish a religious dictatorship. The Badakara Religion faction aimed to reshape Xerian society in accordance with their spiritual convictions, using the power of faith to gain control over the planet.
Quick Details
1315 (Keid)
Trade classifications: Ic, Ni, Va, Am
WARNING Amber Coded Planet
Reason: Civil War
Owning Organization

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