Veridion Geographic Location in After Earth | World Anvil


Veridion stands as a testament to New Eden's commitment to exploring and nurturing diverse environments. While its meager starport and limited resources might make it less economically significant, its cultural and ecological richness make it a cherished gem within the New Eden system.   The inhabitants of Veridion, despite their small numbers, possess a strong sense of community and resilience. Their representative democracy fosters a culture of inclusivity and participation, where decisions are made collectively. The village residents take pride in their fashion sense, adorning themselves with clothing inspired by the planet's natural hues and patterns, often incorporating elements of Veridion's flora and fauna into their designs. They also have unique customs revolving around the lifecycle, celebrating significant milestones in an individual's journey and embracing the cyclical nature of existence.   Lifecycle celebrations:   Birth Rituals: When a child is born on Veridion, it is considered a momentous occasion. The village gathers to welcome the new life into their community. A special ceremony takes place where the child is introduced to the elements of nature, symbolizing their connection to the planet. The village elder blesses the child and offers words of wisdom and guidance for their journey ahead.   Coming-of-Age Ceremonies: As children grow older and reach adolescence, they go through a rite of passage known as the "Blossoming." This ceremony celebrates the transition from childhood to adulthood. During this event, the young individuals demonstrate their newfound skills and talents, showcasing their unique contributions to the community. They receive guidance from elders and are encouraged to embrace their responsibilities as they enter the next phase of life.   Union Celebrations: Marriage and partnership are highly respected on Veridion. Union celebrations are joyous occasions that mark the commitment between two individuals. These ceremonies take place outdoors amidst the natural beauty of the planet, with the couple exchanging vows under a canopy of blooming flora. The entire village attends, offering blessings and well-wishes to the couple for a harmonious and fruitful union.   Elder Honoring: As individuals age and become elders, they are revered for their wisdom and experience. The village holds ceremonies to honor and show gratitude to these esteemed members of the community. The younger generations seek their guidance and listen to their stories, recognizing the valuable insights they possess. The elders' words carry great weight in decision-making processes within the representative democracy.   Transition to the Celestial Realm: When an individual passes away, the village comes together to celebrate their life and honor their journey into the celestial realm. A funeral ceremony takes place, where the body is returned to the elements from which it came. The community gathers in a sacred grove or near a serene body of water, offering prayers and reflecting on the deceased's contributions to the village. It is believed that the departed souls continue to watch over their loved ones and guide them from the celestial realm.


Veridion is a small planet within the New Eden system, characterized by a diverse landscape despite its relatively modest size. The surface is dotted with rolling hills and vast plains, interrupted by small seas that give the planet a touch of tranquil beauty. Rocky outcrops and jagged cliffs provide scenic vistas, while pockets of lush vegetation thrive near the water sources.


Veridion experiences a cold climate, with temperatures ranging from -51 to 0 degrees Celsius. The thin, tainted atmosphere requires residents to wear respirators and filters when venturing outside. The low gravity of 0.35G adds a unique dimension to the planet, allowing for graceful movements and enhanced mobility for its inhabitants.

Fauna & Flora

Veridion's flora has adapted to the cold climate and thin atmosphere, exhibiting hardy characteristics. Sparse forests of frost-resistant trees can be found along the shores of the small seas, their delicate leaves shimmering with an otherworldly beauty. Mosses and lichens cling to the rocks, providing bursts of vibrant color amidst the stark landscape. Fauna on Veridion is relatively scarce, with small creatures like nimble reptiles and hardy insects adapting to the challenging conditions.


Veridion has a humble history, once serving as a remote outpost established by pioneers seeking to expand New Eden's influence. Over time, it evolved into a self-sustaining village with a close-knit community. The planet's representatives advocated for its preservation, recognizing its unique characteristics and the need to maintain its delicate balance with nature.
Quick Details
1313 (Epsilon Erindani)
Trade classifications: Lo, Po
Owning Organization

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