Jaladhamma Geographic Location in After Earth | World Anvil


The culture of the planet is shaped by its maritime environment. The inhabitants have a deep connection with the sea and its resources. Fishing, aquaculture, and underwater exploration are significant parts of their daily lives. Traditional crafts, such as boat building and net weaving, are highly valued skills passed down through generations.   Deceptive Culture: The culture of this planet is marked by its deceptive nature. The inhabitants have developed a talent for subterfuge and deception, honed through their long history of evading potential threats from outside forces. They are skilled at camouflage, hiding their true intentions and capabilities from potential adversaries, often presenting a facade of simplicity and passivity while maintaining a strong defensive posture.   Warning to Travelers: Travelers to this planet are advised to exercise extreme caution to avoid attracting the attention of the Saraswati's Grasp . The planet's inhabitants issue the following warnings:  
  • Avoid excessive noise or disturbances in the water, as vibrations can alert the creature to your presence.
  • Do not venture too close to areas with a high concentration of taint, as the Dweller of the Depths is more active in such regions.
  • Refrain from using strong light sources or flashy objects, as they may attract the creature's curiosity or aggression.
  • Do not swim alone or stray too far from guarded areas, as the Dweller of the Depths prefers solitary targets or those who are isolated from their companions.
Heeding these warnings and taking necessary precautions can help travelers minimize the risk of encountering this formidable and deadly creature in the planet's treacherous waters.


This planet is a water world, with vast oceans covering its surface. There are no large landmasses, only scattered archipelagos and small islands. The underwater landscape is characterized by vibrant coral reefs, deep trenches, and underwater caves, offering a diverse and beautiful ecosystem beneath the waves. There are large swatches of what is called taint, dark patches of murky water caused by microbial creatures.


The planet enjoys a temperate climate, with average temperatures ranging from 0 to 30 degrees Celsius. The water currents and oceanic patterns help regulate the climate, creating a stable and comfortable environment for the planet's inhabitants.

Fauna & Flora

The planet's oceans teem with a rich variety of marine life. Colorful schools of fish, graceful sea turtles, and magnificent cetaceans populate the waters. Coral reefs are abundant, hosting a multitude of unique and exotic species. The islands are home to hardy plant life, including mangroves, palm trees, and other resilient coastal vegetation.


The planet has a relatively young history, with a small population of only a few thousand inhabitants. The initial settlement was established by a group of explorers seeking refuge from political conflicts in neighboring systems. Over time, they built a self-sustaining society focused on maritime exploration and resource exploitation from the planet's vast oceans.
Quick Details
0718 (Gliese 293)
Trade classifications: Am
WARNING Amber Coded Planet
Reason: Dangerous Fauna
Owning Organization

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