Jarble Language in Aetheus | World Anvil

Jarble (Jar-bull)

A language once spoken between the peoples of the wilderness of Aetha'Shar, and even considered an infection or curse to some, affecting young children. The language changes depending on whoever reads it. Strangely, it is capable of being read or written only by the illiterate. It is a language lost over time as a child develops into an adult. In books, or as pictograms on caves, walls or other architecture, it appears and coalesces, speaking to only those who cannot seem to comprehend the written word of their own language or other languages. This phenomenon has come at great frustration to scholars and otherwise, as much is not documented or recorded about this topic. However, one agreed factor is discussed over this language - is that the more one develops into it, tries to understand or reads of this language, the more incohesive and garbled it becomes. Hence it has become known as Jarble.   Many suppose that it is the mind's compensation for trying to understand the meaning and shape of a written word. Much like how we naturally infer meaning from pictures or shapes, Jarble is believed to be the visualised translation of what our brains understand of this. Others suppose that it is a language that many children develop and inherit from their parents, though no common or relevant factors can be distinguished to fully treat it as a language.   Stranger still, for those that write and read Jarble, despite whether it is written in forms of top to bottom, right to left, left to right or bottom to top sentences or even more wildly like in circular structures - whether seen upside down or from an angle, those who visualise the written word see it perfectly clear as the words float and restructure themselves into a perfectly cohesive style and pattern. Therefore, it is completely near impossible for someone to speak in Jarble - the more one attempts to study it, the less cohesive it becomes.