The Rao Orcish Territories Organization in Aetherius | World Anvil
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The Rao Orcish Territories

The Rao Orchish Territory is the primary home of orcs, with goblins being the other major, if secondary, population. They are made up of both nomadic tribes and relativley independant city states.


The Rao territories are just that, a collection of territories, each ruled by various means; some are city states, others are tribes, but all work together for mutual benefit with little to no warring between them. The cooperation between the territories resembles that of the Proudspire Concord, but more tightknit, relying on one another even more than the regions of the average empire might.


Culture varies from territory to territory. Most are more or less peaceful, each focusing on different things, but each territory is fierce in and of themselves.

Demography and Population

The Rao territories are primarily populated by orcs, a self made homeland for them to enhabit and thrive in, though the goblinfolk are welcome as well, both because of their shared history and that they are loosely lumped together by outsiders, one of the most derogatory terms being "greenskin".


The territories are generally dry and humid, ranging from sandy deserts to lush prairie lands.


Each faction has their own military forces, though the nomadic tribes are more akin to bands of warriors than armies, unlike their city state bretherin.

Foreign Relations

The territories have their own individual relations with other nations, though collectively it is often frosty. The orcs and elves border on hostility with little love between them.
Geopolitical, Empire
Government System
Power Structure
Economic System
Mixed economy
Legislative Body
There is no one judicial body, with each territory defining its own laws and traditions. While there is general guiding morality and principle to it all with some overlaps, the laws generally change from region to region. When necessary, however, the leader of each 'faction' of the territories come together to discuss and decide on courses of action.
Subsidiary Organizations
Neighboring Nations

Happy Partnership

Another case of a civilization benefitting from orcish ingenuity at the profit of the orcs.


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