The Gilded Pickaxe Building / Landmark in Aetheria | World Anvil
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The Gilded Pickaxe

Welcome, traveler, to the Gilded Pickaxe. May your tankard always be full, and your nights filled with song and cheer.
— Salmi
    On Boar's Chase, in a residential district of stone-walled homes and scheming merchants. The street outside is recently paved with worn brick.   The inn is a two-storey building of stone walls, with a large cellar. Accomodations consist of several small rooms with wooden cots. The inn is unusually noisy, with a band of aggressive rakes regularly gambling and chasing wenches.

Unique Feature

The cellar is an abandoned cultist hideout and is now the training room for Vex Ironhide


Main Dishes

Salted Trout and Lentils (1 SP, 2 CP)
Stewed Pork and Dried Onions (9 CP)
Boiled Eggs and Onions (10 CP)


Stewed Onions (5 CP)
Roasted Onions (3 CP)
Roasted Carrot (5 CP)


Rum Whip (6 CP)

Beer Choices

Magical Trophy pale ale: Heavy and fizzy with a sweet taste, frothy head, and caramel scent. (9 CP)

Gray Slug blonde ale: Thin and zippy with a sweet taste, dense head, and floral scent. (4 CP)

Lost Cat Perry: Heavy and fizzy with a balanced taste, bubbly head, and fruity scent. (2 CP)


Known Patrons



Salmi (Dwarf) Red-haired honest looking middle aged Inn-keeper.
Suggested Mannerism
Always searching for a missing item.

Bar Maid

Tai Waterstorm (Half Elf) You see a middle aged, unusually tall, and muscular female. They are light skinned and have short gold dishelved hair, hazel eyes and no facial hair. They are wearing pistachio (green) attire accented in beige.
Suggested Mannerism
Speaks loudly and is unaware


Séverin Youngfury (Human) You see a young, tall, and overweight female. They are pale skinned and have short crimson straighted hair, black eyes and no facial hair. They are wearing cinnabar (red) attire accented in amaranth (red).
Suggested Mannerism
Taps chin or nose when thinking
Pub / Tavern / Restaurant
Related Report (Primary Locations)


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