Atwoodgraben Settlement in Aetheria | World Anvil
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Atwoodgraben is a small town located in the temperate forest, where the vegetation is lush. Atwoodgraben grew around a river that runs through the forest, and is comprised mostly of humans, with some gnomes.   They are governed by a finely balanced matriarchal feudalist technocratic constitutional monarchy. This is a government system where women hold significant power and authority, land ownership and loyalty are exchanged, decision-making is based on specialized expertise, and a monarch's powers are constitutionally constrained. It is a unique blend of various governing principles, combining elements from matriarchy, feudalism, technocracy, and constitutional monarchy.   The inhabitants worships many deities, none having a clear majority at all.  

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primarily human and Gnome , some other civilized races.


Atwoodgraben is governed by an arcane sorcerer, a female human named Piersym.   They are an overwhelmingly matriarchal feudalist technocratic constitutional monarchy that worships many deities, none having a clear majority at all.
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