The Nelaeryn Springs Building / Landmark in Aethel Caeloria | World Anvil
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The Nelaeryn Springs (Knee-layer-inn-Springs)

The Springs of Wonder

C.R. Eede
The Nelaeryn Springs:
  • Name: The Nelaeryn Springs
  • Size: Three acres (361 feet) of land
  • Symbolism: Benevolence, Growth, Legacy, and Endurance
  • Recognition: This land area became sacred once the Hyphicen made it their habitat after the War of Faith's in 725 VO. 
  • Contribution: The Nelaeryn Springs don't necessarily offer anything to the world other than their graceful and harmonious existence. High elves within the kingdom would pass the area and admire the sheer beauty and etiquette of the creatures.
  • Location: C'avarnia, East
  The Nelaeryn Springs is the home of the Hyphicen, which is the sigil of House Aalarelai. The springs are large, filled with nature, hot springs, and many places to graze. Within the springs are the Hydraen and the Nagtaive, with whom they co-exist in peace. The hot springs delve deep into the Glacier's Ravine, where many Hydraen reside with their young.

Purpose / Function

The Nelaeryn Springs serves no purpose to the high elves, for it is a sacred place for the Hyphicen to reside. The area is often quiet with a friendly atmosphere where the creatures within can live in tranquillity. The Hyphicen take care of their own, teaching their young how to survive, and the Hydraen co-exist among them. The high elves can admire the creatures but cannot enter. Only members of the Aalarelai bloodline can enter, for they have a bond with the mythical creatures that no other could ever dream of having.


Three species reside within the Nelaeryn Springs and co-exist in harmony:
  1. The Hyphicen
  2. The Hydraen
  3. The Nagtaive
Trust had mainly developed between the Nagtaive and Hyphicen, who fought during the Inconsolable Forlorn when the Forsaken Commander, Vivaleth, attacked the capital. The Hydraen is often protected by the Hyphicen because they are considered a part of their herd.


The only alterations made to the Nelaeryn Springs are the trimming and yearly care of the surrounding nature to ensure it doesn't become too overgrown. The Aalarelai bloodline must carefully and gently herd the Hyphicen and Hydraen to one-half of the springs to allow gardeners to tend to the flora while respecting their environment. Once one half is done, the elves would leave the area to enable the Aalarelai bloodline to herd the creatures to the other side, where the gardeners can restore and trim the remaining flora. Once it is all done, the elves will bow and then leave the area for the Hyphicen and Hydraen to enjoy once again.


The Nelaeryn Springs is only filled with nature. It has been naturally grown over thousands of years for the Hyphicen and its young. There are no buildings within it, only flora and fauna, which co-exist peacefully with the Hyphicen. See the features below:
  • Grass: Surrounding and outside the entire area of land is tall green and white grass. Green grass appears during the warmer months, and white grass grows during the colder seasons.
  • Stream: Rhyzeal Stream flows throughout the Nelaeryn Springs.
  • Trees: There are only two trees in this area. One is beside the hot springs, and another is in the far reaches of the land where the Hydraen often cool off in the shade. The Nagtaive perch on the branches of many of these trees, offering more shade.
  • Hot Springs: There are three hot springs in this area that release sulfur-rich steams into the atmosphere offering health benefits for the high elves within the kingdom, especially elfas. These hot springs are a mystery to many, for the water source is unknown.
  • Springs Waterfall: A waterfall beneath the hot springs offers a freshwater supply to all flora and fauna.
  • Cave: Hidden from the public eye is a cave entrance for the Hyphicen only. It is often where the fawns of the Hyphicen reside while the fathers collect food. The Hyphicen also uses this cave during both hot and cold seasons for insulation and cooling.
  • A Wooden Gate: There is a gate made of wien wood that prevents the Hyphicen from leaving the area for their protection. It's a matter of security.


Two soldiers from the Varcanai Guard stand to attention outside the Nelaeryn Springs to ensure the Hyphicen are well-protected. These guards will alternate throughout the day and night. The Commander and Captain of the Varcanai Guard are also seen patrolling in this area from time to time.


2998 NE:
  • Yilipha Celebration: This signifies the days of respect in Aethel Caeloria for the Starlight Veil and Nelaeryn Springs, known as Natures Grace.
2995 NE: 
  • The Nelaeryn Springs Blossoming: Hydraen converge to the springs to habituate.
2733 NE: 
  • The Yilipha Celebration
1897 NE: 
  • The Yilipha Celebration
1541 NE:
  • Yilipha Celebration
541 NE:
  • Yilipha Celebration
11 NE:
  • The Hyphicen's Voice: The Hyphicen of Aethel Caeloria collectively groan in harmony as they birth new offspring into the world.
  • The Hyphicen's Defence: The Hyphicen unite to defend their families against the Ashen, forming an almighty antler shield and taking down the Ashen with sheer force.
10 NE:
  • The Hyphicen's Appearance
0 VO: 
  • The Day of Stratanum (Natural Event)
  • The Bone Shield: The Hyphicen use their antlers to barricade themselves against the world's natural forces to protect their young.
2 VO:
  • The Nelaeryn Springs Withering: The Ashen force the Hyphicen into hiding and overwhelm the Nelaeryn Springs, withering all the flora and squeezing the life out of the remaining confrontational fauna within, which mainly was Hydraen. Carcasses filled the area, making it appear like a graveyard.
  • The Hot Springs Evaporation: Vivaleth evaporates the hot springs, removing the Hyphicen's water source, wanting to starve them out.
  • The Nagtaive Attack: The Nagtaive flock and attack Vivaleth as a means of offering solace to all the fauna within the Nelaeryn Springs. Many die at the cast of Vivaleth's hands, acting as an omen to the high elves as they withdraw into their homes.
12 VO:
  • The Nelaeryn Springs Restored: Naerynidam Tythal and Imazeal M'ithai eradicate the Ashen and remove any toxicity from the sacred lands, allowing the area to regrow.
  • The Nagtaive Perching: The Nagtaive perch within the Nelaeryn Springs becomes a close ally of the Hyphicen as they gently coax the creatures out of their cave.
13 VO:
  • The Hot Springs Restored: The Hot Springs of the Hyphicen glisten at night in the starlight, and the fresh waters are restored to the natural landmark, becoming a mystery to the high elves.
725 VO: 
  • The Hyphicen's Existence
  • The Hyphicen's Voice: The Hyphicen of Aethel Caeloria collectively groan in harmony as they birth new offspring into the world.
  • Yilipha Celebration
1697 VO: 
  • Yilipha Celebration
  • The Hyphicen's Voice: The Hyphicen of Aethel Caeloria collectively groan in harmony as they birth new offspring into the world.
2197 VO: 
  • The Hyphicen's Voice: The Hyphicen of Aethel Caeloria collectively groan in harmony as they birth new offspring into the world.


High elves would often pass the Nelaeryn Springs to admire the flora within. Additionally, when the kingdom hosts events, elves from distant lands get the chance to view the sacred creature and admire it from afar. This, in turn, brings in a lot of visitors from other lands, offering high-elven society a way to profit from tourism.
The Nelaeryn Springs: This is a vast land dedicated to the mythical creature, the Hyphicen. The Hyphicen is the Sigil of House Aalarelai and is considered holy among the high elves.
The Hot Springs' Mystery: After the Inconsolable Forlorn in 2 VO, the hot springs were evaporated by the Forsaken Commander, Vivaleth. However, in 13 VO, the hot springs glistened so brightly that the water mystically returned, offering water to flora and fauna once again. The sudden appearance of this water has been questioned by many over the years, but no one can answer it, for it has become a modern-day marvel. The source of water remains unknown.
Founding Date
2998 NE
Alternative Names
The Springs of Wonder and Graceful Poetry
Parent Location
Included Locations
Owning Organization
Co-Existence: Three creatures reside within the Nelaeryn Springs:
  • The mythical Hyphicen
  • Flocks of Nagtaive
  • The Hydraen

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