Firbolg Species in Aeterna | World Anvil
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The Firbolg are fey-like beings that dwell deep within the Forest of Dreams, acting as its protectors. While their existence is known by many scholars and far-travellers, you'd be hard-pressed to find commonfolk that knew of the Firbolg.

Civilization and Culture

Common Taboos

Bringing harm to The Forest of Dreams or those that dwell within it would see the transgressor banished if they were a Firbolg, or killed otherwise.


Goliaths that tired of their cold, rocky climates in the mountains had a calling. A spirit came to a goliath chief in its sleep, speaking of a great forest in the east of the continent. It told of its importance and the imminent danger that threatens it. The chief took those of its clan that were willing to follow and left for the forest. After managing to drive back those that would destroy the forest, the forest's spirits blessed these goliaths with their magic, creating the Firbolg. The forest was named The Forest of Dreams, and the Firbolg would tend to and guard it forever.
Genetic Ancestor(s)


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