The Searing Condition in Aesteria | World Anvil

The Searing

In 438 a large portion of Ilmoras elves banded together to announce their belief in the Lanousse, the pantheon of the old Pale Elves. They had rediscovered worship in the gods and would renounce their dedication or oaths to the Fey Court. This was met with panic from Ilmoras High Speaker and from the Fey Court. The Court had long enjoyed their rule over the elves, having mortals devoted to them. This panic resulted in the ruling that worship of the Lanousse was outlawed, something the worshippers of the old gods found to be unacceptable and sparking a civil war.    This was a war that the Fey Court could not afford to lose. It would completely remove their ability to influence the material plane in any meaningful way and could see damage done to the fey gate at Emanseras heart. So as the war waged, a quick path to victory was concocted. Sarneth the Hag Queen with help Nauthril the Lady of Night and Magic created a disease. The Searing. It targeted only those who worshipped the old gods, and was unleashed upon Ilmora.    This disease starts as an ever increasing fever and builds into the body's heat climbing rapidly. Muscle ache starts, followed by extreme blistering of the skin that leave scars that look like those from a fire. There is a chance of it progressing past this, which would see internal temperatures rise more and more, either resulting in death from organ failure. In extreme cases, temperature climbs so quickly that organs will burst and blood will boil.    The Searing has been cured, to an extent. Medicine from Requiem in the form of high magical alchemical potions will stop the effects of the Searing, but will not stop one from catching it again. This means many who worship the Lanousse must take a dosage most likely once a month or risk the effects of the Searing.