Cerebellum Document in Aervos | World Anvil
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The Cerebellum is a legendary and highly sought after magic book that can answer any one question you have. It is said that the Cerebellum is the brain or consciousness of a god, who is able to see what takes place across the realms.


The Cerebellum can be used for the purpose of anyone who has it in their possession.

Document Structure


An interesting thing about the Cerebellum is that the book retains every answer it has ever given, while not increasing in size, and not preserving the question asked. Scholar's knowledgeable about the book view it as the ultimate code to crack, the greatest puzzle, to figure out the context of the answer. Scholars can spend years and years going through the book, pondering on the answers given. One usually focuses on the latest questions asked, as they have the most relevance and can provide valueable information if decoded.

Historical Details


There is a legend surrounding the origin of the Cerebellum. It is said that long ago, not too long after the origin of humans, there was a god named Cerebus, who claimed to be the smartest of all gods, with no question he could not answer. He loved to brag to the other gods about his intelligence, and would talk on and on about the things he knew. One day, a trickster spirit named Ocelut grew tired of the Cerebus' pompous attitude, and stole the god's knowledge while he was sleeping. The spirit infused the knowledge into a book, and then sent it to Aervos Prime to hide it away so the God could not find it. Furious, the Cerebus still searches for the book to this day. They say that's why you can only ask one question, else Cerebus is able to figure out who has the book and take it back. Although, the Book has spent ages locked away in shelves or protected in vaults, and no god's wrath has rained down yet.


If one asks the right question, the answer can have limitless effects. The book has been used to win wars, find powerful artifacts, topple governments, influence powerful people. It also has been used to find the nearest tavern, recover lost keyrings, and find missing sheep.
Record, Historical

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