Bysian Language in Aervos | World Anvil
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Bysian is a language used by most humans living on the Arabys continent.  


Bysian began forming when the simple languages used by Savannah tribes of the south part of Arabys was incorporated into the languages used by the desert cities of the north. When communication was established, words and phrases related to trading were learned in both sides, and eventually the language grew in popularity.  

Dialects and Differences

The most notable dialect differences occur between the north and south ends of the continent. In the north side you will find more words that relate to the Pantheon of gods worshipped by the desert cities, and expressions, insults and idioms. In the south Bysian words are used more literally, and don't allude to gods as much, due to the different belief system practised by the tribes. It is not uncommon for each region to sometimes revert back to their original languages when talking internally, but Bysian is the common recognised language.  


Letas frok vek!
Letas strike you down!
This insult invites the Sun God Letas, to send Letas's wrath of the sun down upon whoever it is directed at. Originating in Neysal, where the worship Letas as part of their pantheon. The expression is still used in other locations, but mostly implies being vexed by the physical sun itself.  
Palek Def
Piece of dung
Originally a descriptive phrase, Savannah tribes began to use this as an insult when arguing or fighting with outsiders, and it caught on with other nations. This phrase is exclaimed at individuals or groups of people.  
Ket Wan
Old Person
This phrase is often used as a teasing insult to elderly people, and is not taken very seriously in the north. However, in the south, elders are treated with great amounts of respect, and calling someone a Ket Wan in a negative sense is a great offence.

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