The Sapphire Plate Building / Landmark in Aerith | World Anvil
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The Sapphire Plate

The Sapphire Plate is a very high-end restaurant that caters to nobles, visiting dignitaries, and the wealthy. It’s chef and proprietor, Sallia Erewaith is a High Elf noblewoman that is fascinated with food. She experiments often with different tastes, ingredients, and presentation, and she is fond of getting in delicacies from outside Aspenshield. She frequents the market and is well-known to many traveling merchants who deal in such wares. She has been called to cater the Crystal Queen a number of times and has never disappointed her. Sallia has been known to get hunters, trackers, or adventurers to procure some rare ingredients for her and is willing to pay handsomely. She is located close to Aspenshade, near the Pool of Tolos, and her restaurant is on a pleasant hillock that provides a nice few of the city.
Pub / Tavern / Restaurant
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