Ironfist Clan Organization in Aerith | World Anvil
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Ironfist Clan

The Ironfist clan is a wandering tribe of Goliath barbarians that patrol the area west the Lake of Battered Helms and east of the Barrier Guard. They are led by a large albino Goliath named Brottor Bloodfist. He is known for his great gauntlets that are stained with dried blood of many enemies. He protects the area from Gnolls or other foul beasts, but he does not consider any other tribes or settlements his allies. He considers people he is not at war with ‘not enemies’. That is the closest he will get to being friends. The other denizens of the area are happy to benefit from his protection, but trade is seldom, and communication is infrequent. He has a particularly strong hatred of the Plaguetongue and has hunted down some of their scouting parties and returned their rotting corpses to the tribe.
Geopolitical, Clan
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