Earthshaker Tribe Organization in Aerith | World Anvil
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Earthshaker Tribe

The Earthshaker Tribe, alongside their allies, the Farseer Tribe, patrol the north and east sections of the Southguard plains from the Fallen, The Witch Queen, and rampaging Goblins or bandits. They are a typical Goliath tribe but their alliance with the Farseers has afforded them even greater success than some of their Southguard cousins. Their leader, Fargrimm Battlehorn is large, even for a Goliath and his presence is extremely intimidating. He has been known to stare down a Fallen warrior and force a retreat without ever raising his massive hammer. Some Goliaths are fearful that the continued connection with the Humans will weaken the purity of their tribe but there are none who wish to challenge him. His son, Gloran looks to be following in his father’s footsteps, and while he is not as large, he is a very charismatic leader in his own right.
Geopolitical, Nomadic tribe
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