Aerda History of Aerda Timeline
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History of Aerda

The Times and Eras of Aerda's Peoples

The Era of Beginning

... 1873079 BA

The ages documenting the world's creation and first peoples.

  • -16884631 BA

    The Creation of the World by The One Above All

    The One Above All creates life, along with with celestial beings, the universe, and the divine realms.

  • -12980763 BA

    -9542982 BA

    The First Ice Age
    Geological / environmental event

    Massive underwater earthquakes cause massive continental shift, breaking apart the land masses. This cause the world to enter a long ice age.

  • -9452981 BA

    -3174991 BA

    A Warm World
    Geological / environmental event

    The planet begins to warm up and the ice caps start melting. The planet is flooded with a vast ocean. Only high mountain peaks are visible above the waters.

  • -3174990 BA

    -1884632 BA

    The Water Subsides
    Geological / environmental event

    Continental shift slows and the continents become settled. The ocean water begin to subside and land emerges from the depths giving opportunity to new lifeforms and vegetation.

  • -1884631 BA

    -80900 BA

    God Dwells on Aerda

    The One Above All dwells on Aerda, making it His home. While there He creates mankind.

The Age of Ancients

80899 BA 3675 BA

The earliest found recordings of history in Aerda.

  • -80899 BA

    -79367 BA

    The Founding City
    Cultural event

    The first gathering of humans after God left them.

  • -79366 BA

    -78366 BA

    The Settling of Foxwood
    Discovery, Exploration

    The Kii'Rahn Tribe settle on the continent of Foxwood. The people thrive and grow in population. Due to atmospheric phenomenon, the Mother Trees grew there and become monstrously huge.

  • -78365 BA

    -3675 BA

    World Colonization - The Great Exploration
    Population Migration / Travel

    After 1000 years on the Islands of Foxwood, the people migrate to other continents and regions. This great exploration leads to the colonization of the rest of the world.

The Age of Alda, The Arvalis, And the Keepers

3765 BA 2613 YA

  • 3674 BA

    The Birth of Alda
    Population Migration / Travel

    A small nation of people known as the Aldar are led by their ruler, King Korazel, across the ocean to a previously undiscovered land. They name the new land Alda and build a temple to celebrate.

  • 3275 BA

    The Aldar Dispersion
    Population Migration / Travel

    King Eydros of Alda, under the decree of The One Above All, commands the Aldar to disperse among the surrounding continents, nations, and peoples.

  • 2954 BA

    The Founding of Silverspire

    The City of Silverspire is built in Selenica in what would later be the country of Palatheria. Silverspire quickly grows to become a great city.

  • 23 BA

    The Rise of Emperor Falvor
    Military action

    King Falvor rises to power in Silverspire and begins his crusade to become the single most powerful ruler of the world.

  • 0 BA

    1 YA

    The Arvalis / The Fall of Falvor

    This is the celestial event in which the Arvalis is given to King Saymar of Alda. This event also encompasses the death of Emperor Falvor and the fall of his tyrannical government.

  • 212 YA

    468 YA

    Keeper Kastamir Reigns
    Religious event

    Kastamir ascends as the Second Keeper. He reigns in Alda atop Mt. Korazel.

  • 469 YA

    766 YA

    Keeper Paladine Reigns
    Religious event

    Paladine ascends to be the Third Keeper. He reigns first from Alda but then continues the majority of his reign from Silverspire.

  • The Purging of Marlin
    The Great War and the Destruction of Marlin
    Disaster / Destruction

    A great war broke out over the face of Aerda, The Kingdom of Marlin was the instigator and the war was ended by it's total destruction at the hands of the Keeper Paladine by use of the Arvalis.

  • 767 YA

    1054 YA

    Keeper Vaash Reigns
    Political event

    Vaash ascends to be the Fourth Keeper. He reigns peacefully from Silverspire and plants the great gardens.

  • 1055 YA

    1319 YA

    Keeper Morra Reigns
    Political event

    Morra ascends to be the Fifth Keeper. He reigns peacfully from Silverspire. Known as The Architect, he builds several great temples around the world.

  • 1320 YA

    1621 YA

    Keeper Rastell Reigns
    Political event

    Rastell ascends to be the Sixth Keeper. He reigns in Silverspire until near the end of of reign where he enacts the Aldar Census. He finishes his reign in Alda.

  • 1620 YA

    The Great Aldar Census
    Population Migration / Travel

    Keeper Rastell enacts a Great Census which called for every man, woman, and child of Aldar descent to permanently return to the homeland of Alda.

  • 1622 YA

    The Aldar Barrier - Access Ban
    Diplomatic action

    Keeper Saymar permanently cuts off access to Alda from anyone outside the continent. He sets up an Arvalis powered barrier making it impossible for anyone to enter or leave. The land of Alda eventually fades from memory and becomes a legend.

  • 1622 YA

    1931 YA

    Keeper Saymar Reigns
    Political event

    Saymar ascends to be the Seventh Keeper. He reigns from Alda and during his reign uses the Arvalis as a means of technological advancement for his people. Alda reaches highly advanced stages of technology nearing space travel.

  • 1723 YA

    1932 YA

    The Scientific Revolution in Alda
    Technological achievement

    Alda experiences an age of scientific discovery and advancement of technology via research and experimentation of the Arvalis, completely set apart from the rest of the world. During this age, the Aldar go from medieval knowledge to extremely advanced technology nearing interstellar space travel.

  • 1932 YA

    2613 YA

    Keeper Ghallus Reigns
    Political event

    Ghallus ascends to be the Eighth Keeper. He reigns in Alda, shortly before causing the absolute destruction of Alda and it's people. He finishes the vast majority of his reign in Silverspire.

  • 1942 YA

    The Cessation of Discovery
    Civil action

    Ghallus forbids further research on the Arvalis which causes severe riots throughout the entire continent. This spawns many events to occur, including the inadvertent creation the pocket dimension and the destruction of Alda and it's people.

  • The Destruction of Alda, The Creation of the Key to Alda
    The Destruction of Alda
    Disaster / Destruction

    Alda had grown to become incredibly advanced in their technology and in their prosperity. Some thought there was no longer a need for a Keeper and used the Arvalis to create weapons that would bring him to his death, something never thought possible to do. However, they ultimately failed to kill Keeper Ghallus and in turn, Ghallus destroyed Alda and all its people.

  • 2585 YA

    8 Torrem

    The Heir of Hope is Born
    Life, Birth

    Princess Cara Frewen is born in Frewen City, Frewen to the King and Queen of Frewen. She would later be known as the Heir of Hope, being the next heir to the Arvalis after Ghallus.

  • 2612 YA

    23 Torrem
    2612 YA

    13 Malladusem

    The Long-Missing Heir Arrives in Silverspire
    Political event

    For over 100 years, the next heir to the Arvalis had been missing. Then Cara Frewen arrives give the world hope.