Currency: Sulamynen Item in Aeon | World Anvil

Currency: Sulamynen


Call it what you will; legal tender, currency, coin, loot, brass, chips, clips, sils, bread, dough, bacon, cowries or any of the miriad synonyms, it amounts to the same concept.

A medium of exchange, a unit of account, a store of value; tediously mundane but necessary for the current stage of socioeconomic evolution.

All currency for Sulamynen is minted and stored in the Dwarven delf of Monument in the Northern Glittercrest Mountains. Most of the rare raw materials consumed in the minting process are mined from beneath those rocks and so there was a certain logical inevitability to this operational organisation.

Copper, silver and gold make up the bulk of daily transactions but a rare alloy called Obsidian is used for the highest value coin. It is black with gold veins, mirror like, extremely strong and very light. What constitutes Obsidian is one of the most jealously guarded Dwarven secrets.

All coins are minted with the profile(s) of the reigning Basileis on one side and a representation of the coin on the other: Cup (or chalice), Sword, Crown or Wand.

The standard exchange rate is:

Obsidian Wands Golden Crowns Silver Swords Copper Cups
Obsidian Wands 1 10 100 1,000
Golden Crowns 1/10 1 10 100
Silver Swords 1/100 1/10 1 10
Copper Cups 1/1,000 1/100 1/10 1
Sulamynen Coins

  • Obsidian Wands
  • Golden Crowns
  • Silver Swords
  • Copper Cups

Random coins of the Sulamynen currency minted by the Dwarves of Monument.

Item type
Currency & Deeds

Cover image: by Unsplash: Guillermo Ferla


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