Ranir Character in Aelutea | World Anvil


High King of the Gods Aelum (a.k.a. Weda, Manus, Wakan, Ahura, Marte, Caradog, Ranir)

The powerful High King of the gods and the first among them to be born in the pool of the world tree, Ranir is an enigmatic and nearly omniscient figure. Among his family, he is often called Weda, a word thought to mean "Lord" or "First". The name Ranir is taken from the language of the giants and means "Wayfinder" or "Truth-Seeker".

Divine Domains

The Land

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Seek out all the world's knowledge

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

One would not think the lord of the lands would appear so elderly and seemingly powerless, it is thought that the form Ranir takes is chosen and not his true form but none could tell as he has almost always appeared as a bearded old man wielding a cane and wearing a wide brimmed hat.

Facial Features

Greying beard

Identifying Characteristics

Known for his long beard, slouched hats and cane

Physical quirks

Inquisitive and deeply social, Ranir has no time for the affairs of the divine gods and seeks out knowledge in his own domain which is the land itself. This pursuit in the land of the living has made Ranir very adept at understanding and reading social and personal quirks of man which he has nearly mastered.

Special abilities

Given incredible foresight and prophecy due to his understanding of the Great Will
Absolute mastery of primeval magic

Specialized Equipment

Ranir travels with his walking cane which he has enchanted to be able to change forms and become nearly any utensil he desires
When atop his throne in Ederice, he is able to view all of creation to the finest detail, gives him incredible knowledge on the goings on of the world

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Highest born of the gods and their great king, Ranir has seen much in his long life and remains a curious and passionate soul at heart even if he can seem somewhat apathetic of his duties. Nevertheless, he seeks evermore insight into the role he will play in the future, particularly on the final day of the world. As the first of the Aleuai, the gods first granted life beneath the roots of the Muhaitza, Ranir is greatly empowered by the dew waters of the World Tree running throughout his veins. He enjoys many gifts granted to him and throughout his immensely long life, he has come to master many magics and abilities forgotten to many and unfamiliar to most. His knowledge and wisdom are great and yet he has been propelled to drastic means to attain more and more to satiate his curiosity, though total knowledge eternally eludes him.    Hidden behind the visage of a miserly old man is a mind deeply attentive and aware with an almost bottomless well of insight to draw from. This curiosity and thirst for knowledge were not without consequences however, Ranir's pursuit of knowledge and understanding directly influenced his great-nephew Timur in his actions to usurp his king and remake the world in his own image. Ranir himself is not the strongest or most imposing of the gods, that honor may go to either his brother Rymr or Timur who each boast great strength and greater power. As the favorite creation of his mother Nila, Ranir was imbedded with the clearest picture of the Great Will created by the primordial twins in the earliest moments of the reordered cosmos. Though his wisdom is great, and his perception of the vast future is nigh endless, his understanding of the Great Will is fractured and not nearly complete. Yet he has tried as well as he can to learn more of this enigmatic force permeating the entire structure of the universe, and to pass on this knowledge to those of his family he deems this knowledge safe within.    Greatly enhanced by his understanding of great primordial magics, and the ability to manipulate and control various aspects of the world which he would later teach and pass on to the Jotnar and his children, the Artzaina or as they are commonly known, Mankind. In his dealing with Mankind, he has proven all too often to be paternalistic, deeply moved, and intrigued by Mankind's development and safety. As his domain is the material world itself, he has taken to wandering amidst the world of Men in disguise. It is in this fashion that he has attained godhood to men, and across the various corners of the world, he is known by many titles, seen in many ways, and is called many names.    Yet perhaps the king of the gods' most alluring ability is his stunning diplomacy, for among the gods he is the quickest to befriend and soothe past dilemmas. Welcoming and gregarious in all dealings, his attitude towards all alleviates some of the distance that can form between himself and those he rules. Among his own family, however, Ranir is an odd case as his generosity and general benevolence are traits not often found in the ranks of the Aleuai who more often hold the viewpoint of Ranir's younger brother Rymr, that of fast action, glory lust and of draconian means of establishing themselves.

Personality Characteristics


Safeguard and protect the world
Seek out the world's secrets and knowledge


Family Ties

Son of Nila
Brother of Rymr and Noba
Uncle of Hemalla, Veidr, Varangr, Danibalor, Hraehos, and Marinen
Grand Uncle of Rigsmalr, Markinen, Irea, Erailna, Onerion, Timur, Gydwïyr, Lyn, and Walla

Social Aptitude

Skeptical, imaginative, and questioning, Ranir remains devoted to his pursuit of new knowledge and goes out of his way to engage with the natural world as much as he possibly can. Ranir is sometimes known to visit the halls of kings and emperors and test them on their own knowledge in wagers and bets. However, Ranir can be an unknowable being, a driven yet alien figure stuck between mortal and divine realms who remains an outsider in both. Among his family, he still commands a certain amount of reverence but he now keeps them at a distance, since the betrayal of Timur.



Younger Brother and Advisor (Important)

Towards Ranir




Older Brother and King (Important)

Towards Rymr




Both born from Nila, Ranir and Rymr have become well acquainted as each are known as great warriors and beings of construction. Ranir sits high on the throne as king of the gods and Rymr serves as his trusted aid and strongest weapon due to his great hammer Magan. Over the years of rule, Ranir has kept true to his inquisitive and restless nature as he is known to roam the world in search of any knowledge he can gain, Rymr on the other hand has grown quite complacent and bored in his rule over the heavens.

Shared Acquaintances

Ranir and Rymr both share blood with their sister Noba

Divine Classification
Circumstances of Birth
1st born of the gods, created by Nila at the roots of the Muhaitza
Rymr (Younger Brother and Advisor)
Brown, Missing Right Eye
Long, Grey, Long Beard
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale White
Quotes & Catchphrases
"For I am the lord of many names, the four winds and the crashing sea whisper them. I am War-Father, Rod-Bearer, He who reigns, Wayfinder and Wayweaver, Lord-Rider and Wide-Stepper, Seer and Blind. My power is within and without, I am the Binder and the Untangler, I am Thought and Memory and weaver of all colors of the wide world!
Ruled Locations
(Ranir, disguised as the wanderer Yfirumsjónr, places a sword in the hall of Jarl Lanleif, testing his son Hagen's strength)


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