Irina an Koning Character in Aelutea | World Anvil

Irina an Koning

Lady of Húsavík, Ukiah and Triermac Irina Roryrsdottir an Koning

Oldest child of Jarl Roryr an Koning and his wife Natalia Tsavola

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Similar in size to her mother, Irina is stout and strong with a ferocity that makes her a menace in a fight

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The eldest child of Jarl Roryr an Koning and Natalia Tsavola, Irina an Koning is notoriously alike to her father in his youth, brave, curt, and ambitious to a fault. Irina lives with a chip on her shoulder due to her being skipped in inheritance in favor of her brother Hakon. As the eldest daughter, Irina was expected to be sent off to live abroad in a diplomatic marriage orchestrated by her father. this, however, did not come to pass and Irina has remained unmarried and unbent to her father's prodding to at least be married domestically. Irina instead took to the seas and began plundering and raiding the Prus coasts in the likeness to her father in his youth. Acting as in her father's role as a raiding Jarl, Irina has become feared abroad for her successes and for the riches she has brought back home from foreign shores.

Irina has developed a rivalry with her younger brother Hakon who she has near effortlessly beaten in martial games the two hold while being bested by him in cards and in flyting, much to his chagrin. Comfortable in her role as her brother's superior, she tried to dissuade him from launching his expedition to Hindsola after word came back that a giant had landed on its shores. Even offering to accompany him to the island, Irina was hurt by his frank refusal to share the glory of his hunt with her. Sitting in the keep of Triermac, Irina waits for word of her brother's success or failure with an eye towards perhaps taking his place and earning herself more acclaim as a giantslayer.


Educated by her mother Natalia and numerous educators at Triermac


Raiding commander for her father

Accomplishments & Achievements

Numerous successful raids abroad with riches brought back home

Intellectual Characteristics

Bold and unscruptlious

Morality & Philosophy

Questions are best raised with an ax in hand

Personality Characteristics


Earn herself a great deal of renown despite her not inheriting her father's title of Jarl

Virtues & Personality perks


Vices & Personality flaws

Self Important


Family Ties

Daughter of Jarl Roryr an Koning and Natalia Tsavola
Older Sister if Hakon, Elena, Olav and Sigi an Koning

Religious Views

A firm believer in the pantheon of the Iolans, Irina has developed some aspects of her mother's people's beliefs such as wearing the sigil of the holy hammer of Paren which coincides neatly with the belief in the sky god Rymr's own hammer.

Social Aptitude

Boisterous and loudmouthed, Irina an Koning is a shieldmaiden to be feared as her temper can get the best of her while her fiery and fierce demeanor demands respect from any who meet her. This unflinching courage has inspired her fellow raiders to follow her to the depths of the underworld for her and loyalty beyond question.


Crass and without a care in the world for tact, Irina says things as she sees them. This has gotten her into numerous spats with her father and younger brother Hakon who each disapproves in their own ways. Their concerns don't seem to do a thing in quelling Irina's warrior spirit as only death seems to be able to silence her.


Jarl Roryr an Koning

Jarl and Father (Important)

Towards Irina an Koning



Irina an Koning

Daughter (Important)

Towards Jarl Roryr an Koning



Haakon an Koning

Younger Brother (Vital)

Towards Irina an Koning



Irina an Koning

Older Sister (Important)

Towards Haakon an Koning



Current Location
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Date of Birth
19th of Larce
Year of Birth
679 A.E 23 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Eldest child of Jarl Roryr an Koning and Natalia Tsavola
Triermac, Húsavík
Haakon an Koning (Younger Brother)
Dark Brown
Long, Red
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
140 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
"My baby brother has gone off on a desperate attempt to reach me in acclaim... how like him."
Ranir and the Iolan Pantheon
Aligned Organization


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