Flavius Aelian Character in Aelutea | World Anvil

Flavius Aelian

Captain of the Scholai and Magister Militum of the Rasenna Flavius Salonius Aelianus

The powerful military leader as well as Scholai Captain and Magister Militum during the reigns of Emperor Macerian and Florvius. Aelian was betrayed and assassinated by his one-time ward Emperor Florvius due to his intense popularity among the rank and file soldiery which threatened Florvius' reign.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Nothing of great renown is spoken of about Aelian's physical condition. In the 12 Kings, it is said that had Aelian been emperor, his strength would have benefitted the empire immensely as he was shrewd yet restrained as well as tactful but stern.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Flavius Aelian, born into a prominent noble family in southern Lakia, began his journey in the service of the empire. Even as a child, he had the privilege of being a personal runner and water carrier for Emperor Alexius Kalós, experiencing his first taste of battle at the young age of 15 during the renowned Battle of Durostrom. According to popular accounts of Aelian's life, he was among the shield bearers who triumphantly carried Emperor Alexius Kalós to the Temple of Manus on the Laterian Hilltop.   Throughout various periods of his life, Aelian was sent as a diplomat and hostage to the courts of other powers, notably the Drassids and later the Rasanids. In the eastern court of the esteemed Shahanshah, he acquired knowledge of several eastern languages and gained insight into the workings of the vast Ivanshar Empire. During the Rasanid Revolt, Aelian witnessed the transition of power from the old Drassids to the more militant and imposing Rasanids, resulting in his expulsion from their court. As a consequence, Aelian served as a commander in the eastern auxiliaries during the 1st Rasanid War, fighting alongside Emperor Arrius Droméas in the decisive Battle of Seturos.   Although Aelian's involvement in the assassination of the Emperor remains uncertain, he participated in the Battle of Sabiela alongside Emperor Pracclius and engaged in numerous skirmishes against Rasanid forces during Pracclius' ill-fated overland campaign to the east.   Upon his return to the west, Aelian received conflicting reports of the empire's internal affairs, including the rise of separatist factions and contenders for the throne. While stationed in the east, Aelian and his retinue eagerly awaited news of the events unfolding back in Rasca. When Rursus reclaimed control of the capital, Aelian led his troops in support of the new emperor. However, due to his initial reluctance to come to the emperor's aid, Aelian was not invited into Rursus' inner circle. Instead, he commanded multiple army contingents that successfully recaptured the provinces of northern Areul and western Galukia, tasks that did not require the emperor's direct involvement.   Throughout the reigns of Rursus and Appian, Aelian found himself in a position of limited upward mobility. Feeling like an outsider within the ruling regime, he entered a self-imposed exile in Mykra. It wasn't until he was summoned back to the capital by Emperor Macerian that Aelian's exile came to an end. Expecting potential capture and execution, Aelian returned to Rasca, only to be warmly welcomed by Emperor Macerian, who appointed him as the commander of the Scholai. Embracing his new role, Aelian served as the commander of the elite imperial guard throughout Macerian's reign and played a significant role in planning and executing the 15-year-long Savarian Wars.   Aelian's service during Macerian's reign proved invaluable, and through negotiations with the emperor, he secured a marriage to Antheria Macerina, the daughter of the emperor. This marriage elevated Aelian's status, making him one of the most influential figures in the empire. As a member of the imperial family, Aelian took on the responsibility of instructing and overseeing the military education of Macerian's sons, Florvius and Stilias. His foundational role in the upbringing of the imperial heirs ensured his continued usefulness to the new dynasty, and upon Macerian's death, Aelian provided much-needed stability during the transfer of power from father to sons.   Concerned about the empire's precarious situation with three vulnerable frontiers but limited resources, Aelian focused on securing the eastern frontier by engaging in negotiations with the formidable Rasanids. Through a truce agreement, Aelian agreed to pay an annual sum to maintain peace in the region, effectively achieving his goal. With the east relatively secure, Aelian turned his attention to the Oltune and Rhor frontiers. While the Rhor had been largely pacified during Macerian's reign, the growing threat of the Herodi tribes, influenced by Rasanid pressure, required attention. Aelian bolstered the fortifications along the Rhor and dispatched assassins to eliminate selected Herodi chieftains who advocated for tribal confederations against the Rasenna. Although successful in their task, these actions sowed long-simmering resentment among the Herodi, which would later manifest upon Aelian's death. On the Oltune, Aelian focused primarily on fortification rebuilding and instigated infighting among the Yarmeg nomads, redirecting their attention inward rather than toward the Rasenna.   Aelian's policies generally yielded positive results, with the empire experiencing a period of nominal peace, a rare occurrence in recent decades. However, turmoil plagued the capital as the imperial brothers engaged in power struggles, ultimately leading to Florvius' move to blind and exile his brother Stilias. As the sole ruler, Florvius began to view Aelian with envy, recognizing the seasoned veteran's influence as the captain of the Scholai and Magister Militum. With no legitimate cause, Florvius dismissed Aelian, his long-time commander and mentor, replacing his leadership with a council of loyalists. Although disappointed, Aelian accepted his dismissal and retired to southern Lakia with his wife and son.   Surprisingly, Aelian was later recalled to the capital, despite warnings from his wife. Choosing to return, Aelian found himself in the emperor's throne room, where Florvius, with the aid of courtiers, confronted him. As the elderly commander stepped forward, a courtier revealed a hidden dagger, and the emperor unsheathed his sword. Overwhelmed and struggling to resist, Aelian was ultimately stabbed to death by his former pupil and those in his retinue.   Aelian's untimely demise sent shockwaves throughout the empire, particularly among the ranks of the army that had grown loyal to the esteemed commander. Antheria, Aelian's wife and the emperor's sister, was imprisoned by her brother, while Aelian's son Trascalus, with the assistance of officers, fled eastward toward the Ivanshar, seeking aid to claim the imperial throne and avenge his father's death. Aelian's legacy as a resourceful and tactically astute military leader endured, and despite decades of loyal service, he was ultimately betrayed and murdered by the very man he had educated and helped raise.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Veteran of the Battles of Durostrom, Seturos, Sabiela
Initiated peace talks with the Rasanids and pacified the Rhor and Oltune via assassinations
Mentored the deposed Emperor Stilias

Intellectual Characteristics

Pragmatic and Adaptable

Morality & Philosophy

Duty above Pride

Personality Characteristics


Secure the prosperity and protection of the empire

Virtues & Personality perks


Vices & Personality flaws

Self Serious
Tunnel Vision


Contacts & Relations

Mentor of the imperial brothers Stilias and Florvius

Family Ties

Husband of Antheria Macerina
Son-in-law of Emperor Macerian
Brother-in-law of Stilias and Florvius

Religious Views

Pious and faithful to his wife and his god, Aelian was among the growing religious aristocracy which had by now formally adopted the Imperial Cult of the Victorius Sun as their own.

Social Aptitude

More of a bookish and erudite natured man, Aelian was anything but boisterous and was often characterized as a cold blooded, machinelike military operator with a scheming mind and a mind always turning. This was not entirely accurate as Aelian seems to have detested schemers and saw himself much in the manner of an early republican hero. This can be traced to his two retirement stints as he was called back into the service of the empire.


Speaking with a demeanor of a high-born son of the military aristocracy, Aelian was well versed in rhetoric and speech-making. He spent his life around soldiers and very much knew the ins and outs of a soldier's mind. His words were carefully selected and he often took long pauses between sentences to gather his thoughts and evaluate a situation. Everything was calculated and calibrated to get Aelian's message across as simply and as effectively as possible.


Flavius Aelian


Towards Antheria Macerina


Antheria Macerina


Towards Flavius Aelian


(Aelian's assassination by Emperor Florvius)
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Date of Birth
9th of Kaisie
Date of Death
21st of Larce
672 B.E 599 B.E 73 years old
Circumstances of Birth
Son of southern Lakic nobles in the military aristocracy
Circumstances of Death
Assassinated by Emperor Florvius
Vilanellia, Lakia
Place of Death
Rasca, Lakia
Dark Brown
Medium, Straight, Grey (Formerly Brown)
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
190 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Foolish boy, you know very little but boast to know very much. Child, you have cut your right hand off with your left." -Supposed final words said to Emperor Florvius
Cult of Victus Ouea
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Character Prototype
Flavius Aetius


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